Hindsight is 2020

Day of Bible Reading Plan –

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with Denise Pass



Hindsight is 2020

What a difference a day makes, right? Or does it? Hindsight is 2020. Literally.

There has been a lot of hubbub about putting 2020 behind us. 2020 is now in the rearview mirror, but as we embark on a new year, not a lot has changed. But perhaps one really important thing has—our mindset.


Hindsight is 2020—Perspective

The word on the street is that 2020 was pretty awful. But then others say it was the best year of their lives. I guess it amounts not just to circumstances, but to perspective in the midst of our circumstances.

How we view the gift of life is often affected by the amount of hardship or sorrow or joy and favor we experience. And yet there is a secret place, a refuge, for us all that never changes. A place where joy and peace are unending no matter what goes on about us. Paul found it. So can we.


Hindsight is 2020—Finding Refuge

Accessing this refuge is easier than we think, but it is complicated in this sinful world. Lies and many hindrances try to block the way, but friends, my prayer is that we will all find that place in this coming year no matter what 2021 holds for us.

In this new year, we can go with God or we can decide to strive in our own strength. We can dwell on negative thoughts or choose to have the mind of Christ, which Scripture already says that we already have.


Hindsight is 2020—God’s Word Helps Us See

2020 was a mixed bag for me. It was one of the harder years I experienced physically. Cancer and COVID loomed large. But the grace of God and the prayers of many met me in that place.  Staying in God’s word every day clinging to His promises helped me to hold on. It was also a year full of many blessings. Sometimes the hard places seemed to overshadow the blessings and favor of God. I did not understand why. But God. He helped to change my mindset and change my life. And gratefully, those rough places become smooth. He can do the same for you.

How was 2020 for you? No matter what happened in 2020 or what 2021 brings, things will be better if we go with God. One way to do that is to have a Bible Reading Plan. I want to invite you to join me this year as we read through and experience the Bible together. There are a lot of different formats for you, depending on your lifestyle. There is the downloadable bible reading plan, the podcast, and youtube daily 3-minute devotional that you can view or listen to.


Missed one of the Bible time lives? No problem! Check it out on my YouTube channel: www.youtube.com/denisepass_seeingdeep

The post Hindsight is 2020 appeared first on Denise Pass.



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About the Author

I write books, music, podcasts and blogs, speak and lead worship to help people to overcome the battles of the mind with the word of God and to see past the surface of this life by diving deep into the word of God.

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