Summary: God is inviting us to believe in Him when things seem impossible. We can choose to trust in ourselves or others or in outcomes, or in God. But when the rubber meets the road, our belief in God and his promises will determine whether or not we…
Being famous isn’t all it’s cracked up to be. Just ask the starlets of our day. But still we can want to seek after fame. Perhaps it comes from a place of just wanting acceptance when the sting of rejection is so memorable.
Day of Bible Reading Plan –
Day 364 of Bible Reading Plan – I don’t mean a fistfight, praise God! But the church needs to rise up and be the church. We need to contend for the faith, friends! It’s time to fight but fight in the Spirit and with God’s word. Let’s be used to rescuing others so they can join us in the fight against evil!
Day 363 of Bible Reading Plan – Sometimes we want to avoid problems and hindrances, yet sometimes it might be the path of most resistance that leads us to a place of the most fruitfulness in our own lives. Don’t pray for no problems. Pray for perseverance and strength to be faithful in those problems that God may be glorified.
Day 358-362 of Bible Reading Plan – In all the struggles and strife on the earth, we can rejoice because in, the end, God wins.
Day 357 of Bible Reading Plan – Our culture tells us to be true to ourselves. But when our own hearts are deceitful, we might have a problem. Being semper fi to truth is the defining attribute of believers.
Day 356 of Bible Reading Plan – “If you were arrested for being a Christian, would there be enough evidence to convict you?” This familiar question always provokes reflection. Will our witness be enough? Or will we just live in a Christian culture? Some will think we are out of our minds to live passionately for Jesus. Living like a Jesus freak won’t just be believing something. We will do something about what we believe.
Day 353-355 of Bible Reading Plan – The end is coming. Ready or not. But we who are in Christ need not fear. Our hope is in Christ. Not in anything on this earth.
Day 352 of Bible Reading Plan – It can be easy to be overcome with grief and pain when life becomes overwhelming. But when life’s circumstances seem impossible, God’s favor changes everything.
Day 351 of Bible Reading Plan – One of the most significant battles we will face in this life is the battle of the mind as we war within and try to defeat sin. But next to that chief battle is the need to be wise regarding the influence of people around us that can pull us away from devotion to God.
Day 350 of Bible Reading Plan – If we know the truth, our life will be impacted. We will walk in truth. We will obey God’s commandments. And we will love one another. This love is not superficial. It is sacrificial and sincere. Living the truth out makes the gospel visible to others.
Day 346-349 of Bible Reading Plan – We can want someone else’s portion, but it will not satisfy us as much as what God has for us. And more importantly, nothing will satisfy us like God being our portion. When God is our portion, we are satisfied more than any other portion this world affords.
Day 345 of Bible Reading Plan – No one likes to be called out, right? But would it be kind to leave someone in sin? If we did not have the Law, we would not be aware of our sins.
Day 344 of Bible Reading Plan – Is anyone weary today? Maybe feel like you are missing what God has for you? You might need a renewal in your relationship with God. Renewal and revival come as we admit our need for it. Finding renewal with God happens when we come and ask Him to take our brokenness and make us complete in Him.
Day 343 of Bible Reading Plan – We live in confusing times, but truly confusion has been the norm since sin entered the world. God’s people need to know how to discern between truth and error in order to live righteous lives. We need to know how to find truth to be able to live it out. And when we know the truth, we are set free to love others and to obey God.
Day 342 of Bible Reading Plan – Listening to the Holy Spirit guides us through life’s challenges and gives us wisdom. But quenching the Holy Spirit keeps us from tremendous blessing from our lives.
Day 339 of Bible Reading Plan – This statement makes many try to figure out the details of the end times. Who is the antichrist? When will the end come? But no man knows the hour. How then should we live? In anticipation. In the fear of the LORD. And in the end, what matters is not what you know but Who you know. The end times are coming . . . ready or not. This is not a fear tactic, but a reality.
Day 338 of Bible Reading Plan – Truly understanding enables us to overcome battles in our mind as we put on right-thinking from God’s word. And it was understanding God’s word that brought the greatest joy to the people Ezra read and taught God’s word to.
Day 337 of Bible Reading Plan – “If”. Such a small word with such big consequences. But make no mistake—we get to choose how we will handle the truth we have heard. Sometimes we will feel powerless to choose, but feelings are not fact. The choice is up to us—choose blessings or curses.
Day 336 of Bible Reading Plan – Growing up I remember what it felt like to be in the “unpopular group”. The “popular peeps” wouldn’t so much as look at the “unpopulars,” other than to grimace at them or to mock them. But when the “unpopulars” were noticed by someone perceived to be greater than them, now that meant something.
Day 335 of Bible Reading Plan – Anyone can have a strong start but finishing well is another matter. Likewise, anyone can come in and be a rescue for a moment, but it is the day-in, day-out faithfulness that changes lives more than a momentary act of service. Perseverance and staying on mission are required to see our calling through to the end.
Day 332-334 of Bible Reading Plan – Do you hear what I hear? Jesus is speaking to the churches today to wake up. He who has an ear, let him hear. There is a difference between hearing and listening though. Isn’t there?
Day 330-331 of Bible Reading Plan – Knowing God is not a religion. It is not a list of dos and don’ts. It is a relationship. Living in a covenant relationship with our Maker will require us to live differently. It means we acknowledge Him in all of our life, giving thanks to God for His forgiveness and acceptance of us, as well as for all His provision and protection.
Day 329 of Bible Reading Plan – With four of my adult children transitioning to adulthood, my heart aches for the hardness that accompanies growing up. There are so many pitfalls and demands and sometimes it seems like it is hard to catch a break. But God makes the rough places smooth and perhaps we would not grow so much if everything were easy.
Day 328 of Bible Reading Plan – Reaching the world around us is not so easy. There are worldviews and philosophies that get in the way, not to mention hard hearts and man’s reasoning. A reasonable faith might seem arbitrary and relevant to the ever-shifting world.
Day 325 of Bible Reading Plan – It has become popular to just give the bare minimum. Word choices like “whatever”, and “it’ll do” keep mankind subscribing to a second-best mentality. Our efforts are “enough”. But this is not the standard that God holds us to.
Day 324 of Bible Reading Plan – Have you ever had a moment in your life when everything before your eyes was seemingly destroyed? Utter desolation. The grief is too much to bear and you struggle to comprehend it all, much less begin the effort of rebuilding. It is in such moments that everything we thought we knew is reevaluated through a new lens of great suffering. Rebuilding the impossible is possible when we fix our eyes on God, His Word, and promises. God makes a way where there seems to be no way.
Day 323 of Bible Reading Plan – Just going with the flow living in the status quo is not the abundant life God had in mind. But overcoming apathy and igniting passion in our lives is going to take a continual, intentional effort.
Day 316 of Bible Reading Plan – Acceptance is a beautiful thing—but what about tolerance? How do we handle unbiblical standards in the church today? The word tolerance is used a lot today, but what are we tolerating? And what are we not tolerating? The lie of tolerance is revealed in its fruit.
Day 319-320 of Bible Reading Plan – What are you placing your hoping in? Where is your hope placed? Or better yet—Who? Misplaced hope can lead to devastating lives. But when hope is in the right place, we are never disappointed and can have peace, joy, and hope in all circumstances.
Day 318 of Bible Reading Plan – God remembers. He never forgets, yet He was willing to cover our sins. Sometimes when it seems like the world is going crazy, God remembers. God sees us. God still has a plan.
Day 317 of Bible Reading Plan – The hand of God can be for us or against us. The favor of God is not something that can be manipulated. God knows our hearts. And when we seek God, are diligent to study and apply His word, God works in our circumstances with His loving, gracious hand to bring about his perfect will in our lives.
Day 315-316 of Bible Reading Plan – Ever feel stagnant in your walk with God? God’s people are not the frozen chosen. Lost your spiritual vitality? Let’s get some back today! When we realize what lengths our Savior went to in order for us to be chosen, we should be the most passionate people on earth! They need to be spirit-filled, vibrant representatives for the LORD Jesus Christ!
Day 312-314 of Bible Reading Plan – Ever feel like you are struggling for a breakthrough? It might be spiritual opposition. Opposition is a mission, friends. It is an opportunity to trust, persevere, and to reach who God called you to reach. Rather than just wanting it to be over, ask God what you need to learn.
Day of Bible Reading Plan – Our motivations can become a snare to us if they are self-centered or in the wrong place. And our thoughts become our actions. God loves us too much to let us be driven by the wrong motivations. He calls them out to free us to live for Him.
Day 310 of Bible Reading Plan – Even in the midst of uncertainties, there is one thing that is certain: God presides over it all. He is sovereign and good and nothing is wasted in His hands. He will use it all and use it for the good of those who love Him and for His glory.
Day 269 of Bible Reading Plan – The purpose of remembering is to keep us from being myopic and to help us be focused on living a righteous life informed by the past but not held back by it.
Day 308 of Bible Reading Plan – God has a purpose for you in this world. Your voice is needed, friend. And today on election day, your vote impacts legislation that can save lives and change the course of history. You Make Your Vote Matter most when it aligns with Scripture.
Day 306-307 of Bible Reading Plan – Our lives are so jam-packed and busy we struggle with time—feeling mastered by it and trying to get our “to do” list done. God is outside this space and time and yet He sovereignly rules over it.
Day 305 of Bible Reading Plan – Do you ever feel like it is always someone else who is the winner? You put your best effort in and someone else is chosen? This desire for favor is within us, a craving for acceptance and significance. We all want to be the one chosen and appreciated.
Day 304 of Bible Reading Plan – There’s a trend in human nature to blame those who went before us. And sometimes our predecessors can make it harder on us, for sure. But at the end of the day, God’s grace is there to help us rise above our past and release its residue of pain.
Day 303 of Bible Reading Plan – Everybody ought to know how to clean house. But I’m not talking about literal house cleaning. There is a spiritual cleansing that is necessary, too. Don’t be afraid to “clean house” in your life and church, friend.
Day 302 of Bible Reading Plan – There is a test that we all must go through. The test of faith. There is no fence walking there. We are either in faith or we are not. And we will bear consequences for that choice. It is pass/fail. No in-between.
Day 301 of Bible Reading Plan – Joy does not just happen. It is something we get to decide whether or not we experience it. And true joy can occur in hard or good times. Joy is chosen. And when it is, there is nothing that can steal our joy.
Day 300 of Bible Reading Plan – We have favor with God just because of his incredible kindness. But there is an expectation for this gift from God. Accepting His free gift of salvation, then living out the gift we have been given. Fearing God and doing what is right.
Day 276 of Bible Reading Plan – Have you ever dealt with bullies in your life and wondered why God did not deal with them already? God is just and He will deal with those who hurt us, but God also wants them to repent, too. God’s justice is perfect and His dealing with the Ninevites reveals His long-suffering and their deserved punishment. But we can trust God’s defense.
Day 275 of Bible Reading Plan – When I was in middle school (oh, the dreaded middle school years!), I remember when people wanted to beat me up. It wasn’t until I had someone bigger than my threat who stood up for me that my enemies stepped down. There is so much strife in this fallen world—so much fighting and pressure to be like everyone else. And yet the one who will stand with God and not with the world will be the most blessed.
Day 274 of Bible Reading Plan – All year long there has been a dread of the mysterious COVID-19. I pondered what it could mean for me with my autoimmune struggles. And now here I am—afflicted with this highly mysterious bug that changes daily the toll it is taking on my body. When we are not feeling well, we can long for deliverance, and yet in the midst sometimes we can see concealed blessings if we are willing to. In the struggle, we can forget that God carries us and takes care of us.
Day 273 of Bible Reading Plan – This is a challenging season. Not gonna lie. But when I feel like giving up, I remember that Jesus didn’t. He completed what God had called Him to do and set us free. Maybe someone else needs to see us being faithful when life is hard. Hold fast, friends. God is enough. The work He accomplished is still at work in us if we will just believe and stand firm!
Day 272 of Bible Reading Plan – People can follow endless new religions created by man, but there is only one faith where God chose to die on behalf of His people. Other “prophets” or “gods” or “good men” died, but you can’t keep a good man down. You cannot keep a perfect, Holy, Son of God in the grave for long. And in the book of Acts, we see the impact of the life of Christ and the Holy Spirit to work through Christ-followers to reach this world with the love of God.
Day 271 of Bible Reading Plan – The Law seems like a bummer to those who want to do things their way. And today in our country we have something I never thought I would see—defunding of police officers who maintain the law. The lawless one is at work right now in our society, but God’s Law still stands. God’s Law revealed our need of salvation when we realized that we could not meet it, but Christ fulfilled the Law on our behalf. The purpose of the Law was so we would know God’s righteous standards, so sin would not separate us from our Holy God.
Day 270 of Bible Reading Plan – There are a lot of things to be afraid of in this life and in this world right now. It is easy to cave to fear, but fear is an awful taskmaster. When fear has you in its grip, it is difficult to rise above. Having a worthy fear – the fear of God – dispels all other fears. And the truth in God’s word sets us free, enabling us to live the righteous life God requires.
Day 269 of Bible Reading Plan – God gave us clear directions on how to be in His favor and we broke them. Then life got hard. And God still made a way back to Himself. But sometimes we can be a stubborn lot and try to do things our way, right? It starts by remembering what God has done and what He will be faithful to do again. Relying on anything or anyone else will fail.
Day 268 of Bible Reading Plan – Sometimes we really want to do something for God or accomplish something in our life but we can’t seem to get it done or just keep failing. Maybe we are striving in our own strength or maybe it was not God’s will for us to do it in the first place. But when we seek to do God’s will for our lives and honor God in all we do, others will notice. We are being a living testament of God’s grace when we don’t compromise and are faithful to God, whether or not our plans ever come to fruition.
Day 267 of Bible Reading Plan – It’s easy to try and do things our way. It’s what we want or what we think is best. It can feel confining to have to do something someone else’s way. But doing things God’s way is the pathway to blessing. Whereas doing things our way ends up making things more difficult on us.
Day 266 of Bible Reading Plan – Sometimes we mess up and make mistakes that seem to be beyond repair. That’s a perfect situation for God’s grace. God freely gives us grace when we confess and repent, but do we do the same for others? Living in the grace paradigm means we extend the grace we have also received.
Day 265 of Bible Reading Plan – Friends this life is hard. What do you expect from this life? What we expect from this life can lead us away from the mission God has for us or near to Him, depending on our response to life’s curveballs.
Day 264 of Bible Reading Plan – “I ain’t nobody’s fool”. No one wants to be a fool, yet we live in a culture full of folly. And we can be naive or fooled if we are not careful. But there is a way out. As we ask God for wisdom, He promises to answer.
Day 263 of Bible Reading Plan – When people come against us, it is not us they truly hate nor is it really them who are attacking us. The enemy of our souls incites man against man, but we can take a different tactic. When we don’t take attacks against us as being about us, we are set free from the drama and let God fight our battles for us. When people attack you, love your enemies anyway.
Day 262 of Bible Reading Plan – Ever felt, meh, like, you don’t amount to much in this world? Maybe you had hoped you would be more successful or that God would use you in a greater way. But finding our significance is not based on our achievements. Our significance comes from whether or not we know God.
Day 261 of Bible Reading Plan – We need to be in relationship with God and cry out for help to live this life. We need to ask for wisdom, too, as Solomon did.
Day 260 of Bible Reading Plan – Have you ever spoken a promise to God when you were in a tough spot? In that moment you were likely desperate and committed to following through. The problem is, we cannot perfectly keep up our end of the relationship with God. What then? God helps us to keep our word when we fall short. Living up to promises is not possible apart from God’s grace. And God never fails or breaks His promises. He will complete the work He began in us.
Day 259 of Bible Reading Plan – Christians, how we live really matters. The world has seen enough people who proclaim that they believe in Jesus yet do not live out what they say they believe. Living what we believe is about so much more than rules. It is faith in action and informs how we think and act.
Day 258 of Bible Reading Plan – If Christ is our King, we will live differently. This world that surrounds us marches to the beat of whatever is politically correct in the moment. But our God is timeless. Our King rules over all whether or not people say He does. Who’s Your King? Does He lay down His life for you? Mine does. And I want to live for Him!
Day 257 of Bible Reading Plan – Have you ever known a know-it-all? Maybe they thought they knew it all, but their pride and self-righteousness revealed that they surely didn’t. Those who know anything in this life realizes they don’t know anything. Living in wisdom helps us to truly be wise.
Day 256 of Bible Reading Plan – Why worship? Because we need to. And we were made for this purpose. Look back over your life and see what our faithful God has done. When we remember God’s kindness and give thanks, we take the focus off of self and put it on One Who is higher than us.
Day 255 of Bible Reading Plan – Even if there is something someone has done that has hurt another person, repentance and forgiveness can play a beautiful role in restoring relationships rather than trying to settle the score.
Day 254 of Bible Reading Plan – How are you passing the torch down? Do those behind you know it’s time for them to take the torch and run? Or are they surprised? When we live what we speak, others can follow our lead better. And with intentionality and order, the way is clearer.
Day 253 of Bible Reading Plan – We’ve all heard stories of someone who rose up to stop injustice or was the hero of a seemingly hopeless situation. Maybe that person got credit or maybe what didn’t, but what always struck me was the heart of one who chooses to intervene. They don’t think about their own peril. They just do what needs to be done.
Day 252 of Bible Reading Plan – There is a disease lurking that seeks to lure us all away from faithful devotion to God. Promoting worldliness instead of godliness, many are led away. Difficult times are coming, friends. Are you ready? Can you discern what is happening even now? God help us to stand firm in His truth, to know how to avoid corruption by recognizing it all around us and living the truth.
Day 251 of Bible Reading Plan – A person’s final words are considered to be one of the most significant. The final moments of one’s life can be when people realize what matters most. For Jesus, the Son of God, there were no regrets, but only an urgency to help those around Him to be able to see what matters most and to be saved.
Day 250 of Bible Reading Plan – Worrying a lot about what others think about us might give us a good name (temporarily), but it will leave us empty as it does not satisfy for long. And keeping up appearances is not living the authentic life. Our name might not mean much to some, but what’s in a name is so much more than a title, role, or popularity. It’s what is behind the name that matters.
Day 249 of Bible Reading Plan – Are you all in, friends? It is easy to become apathetic and to just go through the motions. We can struggle in this life but when we remember Christ’s sacrifice it fuels passionate lives for the One Who gave His all for us so we can give our all. We can’t walk the fence and be “All in”.
Day 248 of Bible Reading Plan – It’s not enough to just do what is good. Our heart matters. Likewise, it is not enough to just have good intentions. We have to do something about it. Benjamin Franklin is purported to have said, “Well done is better than well said.” But still being a do-gooder is not something we can truly do apart from knowing Jesus.
Day 247 of Bible Reading Plan – Our mind is a battlefield. Our mind is where our belief system is formed and kept. And it is where the enemy of our souls seeks to attack us and prevent us from knowing God. Our thoughts can wander and fear or anxiety can rob us of the peace is ours. But when you feel discouraged in your mind, you can choose to make up your mind by setting our hope on God and filtering our thoughts through His word.
Day 246 of Bible Reading Plan – Ever had someone against you? Not fun. They might try to defame you, speak against you, or about you. But if God is for us, who can be against us? Sometimes people can be underhanded and have hidden motives against us, but God sees and fights on our behalf. And even when we sin against Him, God makes a way for us to be restored.
Day 245 of Bible Reading Plan – What’s your calling in Christ? Ever been afraid to pursue it? Our mind is where all the fun begins. Oh, the battles that can be had there in our calling in this life. But God takes the pressure off of us as we put our calling in His hands.
Day 244 of Bible Reading Plan – Want joy? Peace? Joy and peace remain when we remain in Christ. But staying put is a hard thing to do. There will be many things that try to pull us away, including ourselves. But remaining is not straining and the One who called us is able to help us remain in Him.
Day 243 of Bible Reading Plan – Ever have a GPS lead you the wrong way? I have a poor sense of direction, not gonna lie, and I rely on a GPS to guide me. But when it is wrong, I really need to know which way is right. Solomon guides us today to the right way of living. But knowing the right way and doing it are two different things. We still have to choose to follow directions or we will go the wrong way.
Day 242 of Bible Reading Plan – In today’s reading, the Psalmist shows us what a holy life looks like. Not a to-do list, but a way of life that is part of the authentic relationship we can have with God.
Day 241 of Bible Reading Plan – Life is full of pain and problems. But problems are not all bad. God wants to see if we will look up to Him and turn toward Him in the middle of hard times. The potential of problems is that we would wake up and see our need for God who uses all of our problems for our good and His glory.
Day 240 of Bible Reading Plan – Staying faithful in a faithless world means we don’t let ourselves grow comfortable with the status quo. Don’t be lulled into the comfort zone and forget what matters most. Faithfulness positions us in a place to be recipients of grace.
Day 239 of Bible Reading Plan – Being a leader is hard. We see people who claim to be Christians who rise to positions of power only to fall in front of everybody. This hurts the Christian witness to the world. And while this can be discouraging, it is also humbling—for we all are capable of falling.
Day 238 of Bible Reading Plan – Driving under the influence will likely get one to lose their license. And living under the influence of the devil might get you to lose your life. Rather than merely being influenced by the world, God is calling us to be influencers with the Gospel, the most powerful message in the world that changes hearts and minds.
Day 236 of Bible Reading Plan – Jesus commands us to love one another. This is not a suggestion, and it is a witness to the world around us. How often people can hold grudges against one another and gossip about those they are supposed to love. Let’s love one another sacrificially and passionately so the world wants in on this kind of love.
Day 235 of Bible Reading Plan – There are a lot of problems in the world. Sometimes it can feel overwhelming and we don’t know how we can make a difference. But let it begin with me. And you. When we are people of integrity who pursue understanding rather than presumption and who live for God’s glory, we affect the world around us.
Day 235 of Bible Reading Plan – God has called us to proclaim His love to all who will hear, uniquely to each one. Live what we proclaim so we will not be a stumbling block for others. May we do so humbly and with passion fitting for those who have been redeemed!
Day 234 of Bible Reading Plan – Learning the hard way isn’t fun. We can resent the hard places in our lives, but maybe if it weren’t for the hard places we would not come to God. God wants to restore us but sometimes it takes hardship to get our attention. Learning from hard places might just keep us nearer to God and away from future pain, too.
Day 233 of Bible Reading Plan – Where are you living, friends? Oh, I don’t mean a location. I mean are you living in God’s presence? Living aware of His presence will change our hearts and minds and affect all we do.
Day 232 of Bible Reading Plan – Rebellion is not just for hardened rebels. Rebellion can be as simple as doing God’s will our way. What is it that causes you to rebel and resist God? What causes you to doubt God’s goodness or calling on your life? Digging Out the Root of Rebellion in our own lives is hard.
Day 231 of Bible Reading Plan – Friends, our faith is a fight. It is a fight against sin. A fight against false doctrine and the sins that so easily corrupt. A fight against the resistance we so often face as we seek to share God’s truth that we have been entrusted with. As Paul said, we have to be aware that this walk will be a fight and we need to choose to fight the good fight.
Day #230 (John 11-12) – We can’t be a light if we don’t have the light. Walking in the dark is no fun unless you’re a kid playing hide and seek. We need light to show us which way to go and what’s right or wrong. Living in the light is not a passive choice. We have to believe in the light to be able to be a light.