Let it Begin with Me

Day 235 of Bible Reading Plan – There are a lot of problems in the world. Sometimes it can feel overwhelming and we don’t know how we can make a difference. But let it begin with me. And you. When we are people of integrity who pursue understanding rather than presumption and who live for God’s glory, we affect the world around us.

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with Denise Pass



Let it Begin with Me

Let it Begin with Me

There are a lot of problems in the world. Sometimes it can feel overwhelming and we don’t know how we can make a difference. But let it begin with me. And you. When we are people of integrity who pursue understanding rather than presumption and who live for God’s glory, we affect the world around us.

Bible Reading of the Day: Proverbs 19-20

Solomon calls out the problems around us which ultimately come from people. People who are fools, who live only for this life, without an understanding of the purpose of this life. But there is hope when we seek wisdom and seek to apply the principles Solomon speaks of today.

Let it Begin with Me—Don’t Be Hasty.

Proverbs 19:2,  “Even zeal is not good without knowledge, and the one who acts hastily sins.”

Before we move, we need to get knowledge. Our own understanding is limited. We need to lean not on our own understanding, but on God’s. To not seek knowledge and act hastily is sin.

Wow. I had not thought of it as sin before, but when we don’t push pause and seek God, and just run around in ignorance and in haste, it is prone to lead us to sin rather than if we had sought God.

Trusting our own self for insight rather than seeking insight in God’s word can wreak havoc in our lives.

And when everything is upside down, sometimes we can tend to blame the LORD.

Scripture of the Day:  Proverbs 19:3

“A person’s own foolishness leads him astray, yet his heart rages against the Lord.”

This blaming of God or of others will not heal our hearts. It will not bring about the results we desire, either. But laying down our plans and laying down the entitlement attitude that thinks we deserve better helps us to lay down our foolishness and have grateful hearts even when life hurts or is not going the way we had hoped.

Let it Begin with Me—Get Good Sense.

Proverbs 19:8

“The one who acquires good sense loves himself; one who safeguards understanding finds success.”

So it can be hard to not be hasty and miss the way, but this Scripture tells us that seeking out good sense, not our way, but God’s way, is actually loving ourselves and things will end well.

Sometimes we can stubbornly stick to our own way because we want what we want when we want it.

Let it Begin with Me—Get Insight. Get Patience.

The good news is that when we get insight, we get it. We understand God’s purposes cannot be thwarted. We don’t have to worry and strive. Just rest and trust and move when God says to move. And patience is the fruit of getting insight.

Proverbs 19:11

“A person’s insight gives him patience, and his virtue is to overlook an offense.”

The most beautiful thing about beginning with ourselves instead of blaming circumstances or people or even worse—blaming God, is that we can be set free from self. Set free from worrying about the need to defend self. We no longer live but Christ lives in us, so we can let go of offenses, as it says in the Scripture verse we just read.


  • Let it begin with me. And You.
  • Don’t look at others or circumstances and judge them or blame them.
  • Don’t be hasty, friends. Life goes by fast. Drink it in with Jesus.
  • Get insight. Get wisdom and understanding and live your life out of that knowledge.

7-Fold One-Year Bible Reading Plan

Day #236: Proverbs 19-20

Scripture of the Day: Proverbs 19:3

Listen: https://www.biblegateway.com/audio/mclean/niv/Prov.19

Join me live at 12:00 pm ET: www.facebook.com/deniseduboispass

Bible Reading Plan: https://denisepass.com/bible-reading-plan/

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The post Let it Begin with Me—August 23 Bible Reading Plan appeared first on Denise Pass.



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About the Author

I write books, music, podcasts and blogs, speak and lead worship to help people to overcome the battles of the mind with the word of God and to see past the surface of this life by diving deep into the word of God.

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