Collaborative Faith Can Overcome the Spirit of Infirmity

We have been marked for glory that will only be known when we contend together.

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For those who have been contending for physical healing after weeks and months of illness, I stand alongside you. For those who have endured pain, discomfort, and discouragement for long periods of time, still holding out for your breakthrough, you are not alone. Many have been physically attacked in this past season and I believe there is a collective and collaborative faith that can break this yoke of oppression and death that seeks to take us out. If we endure, do not give up, and exercise our faith together.

I have shared some of my own health journey on my YouTube channel this past year. Starting with a demonic attack of debilitating Tinnitus in March of 2023, I have seen deliverance on one hand and ongoing health challenges on the other. Overcoming one symptom after another ever since that time, my own faith has been challenged to stand fast against a spirit of infirmity, ongoing pain, and many sleepless nights.

I can’t remember the last time I actually felt “normal” and free of some kind of physical limitation.  My husband and I have learned many lessons through this journey as the Lord has given instructions for each round which have always brought a level of relief and freedom. He has already shown us that it’s more about listening to His voice than simply decreeing and demanding our healing. It’s more about following His directives in each step than it is the length of a fast or a certain method of prayer. It truly has been about the journey and not just the outcome.

As I sat the other day, discouraged again at another restless night and ongoing affliction, I berated myself for not being more resolute in declaring my healing. Almost immediately, He responded to my internal struggle.

This is more about getting to know Me as your Healer than it is in getting your healing.”

The truth of His response both freed me and challenged me. How much of my faith for healing focuses on getting my breakthrough instead of getting to know Him as Healer? What have I learned about His goodness and Perfect Love in the midst of ongoing physical setbacks and suffering?

So far, I’ve learned that He is always faithful to show me the next step. I’ve experienced His comfort and enduring patience in the midst of hardship. I have gained greater empathy and compassion for others who are tormented by chronic illness and disease. I have grown in this fellowship of suffering and deepened my thankfulness for His perfect sacrifice on the cross. The bottom line is that I know my healing is coming. Not because of my steadfastness or determination, but because that’s just who He is. He cannot do anything less. The lingering questions and doubts will never be enough to turn me from this truth or cause me to back down from my expectation for total and complete restoration.

I share this to encourage those of you who are, like me, still pushing through for your healing. Even as we continue to declare His Word as a reminder of His promise, He is calling us to fix our eyes on Him. He is the author and the finisher of our faith. He sees the powers and principalities that have aligned themselves against us. He sees this Spirit of Infirmity that plagues His body and is passionate to see us overcome, urging us to yet believe!

And the power of the Lord was present to heal them.

The Lord led me to Luke 5:17-26 where a crazy faith was demonstrated that overcame corporate strongholds of unbelief. In the midst of pharisaical accusations and threats, a group of passionate believers pushed past the accepted norms and expectations of the day to call on Jesus. Literally carrying their friend on a stretcher, motivated by deep love and compassion, they tore through a roof because they knew who Jesus was. They weren’t bound by any natural order of things but focused on getting to The One who was the answer to their friend’s plight. Because of their collaborative faith, Jesus’s innate power to heal was activated in the midst of corporate opposition.  And breakthrough came.

Is this a lesson to be apprehended and exercised today? Perhaps our healing is not so much about our personal levels of faith, our personal decrees, or our individual determination to believe. Perhaps it is our collective confidence in The One who alone can heal, deliver, and set us free from our oppressors. It is not about the power of our personal authority or proving our spiritual muscle, it is about pursuing Him together out of love. First for Him, and then for one another.

It is, for this reason, I encourage you to hang on and not give up the fight. I have personally determined this isn’t about my healing, but ours. We are on this journey together. He is looking for some crazy collective faith that is motivated by deep compassion for one another and ready to push through the crowds of bystanders to get our breakthrough.  We have been marked for glory that will only be known when we contend together in the midst of opposition and determine that He is greater.

After all, it is not our healing that we seek – but Him. And when He is found, no power of darkness or stronghold of men will be able to stop the healing that’s to come.

Purchase Wanda’s book Moving from Sword to Scepter: Rule Through Prayer as the Ekklesia of God here.


This is an updated edition of a post originally published on Wanda Alger
The views and opinions expressed by Kingdom Winds Collective Members, authors, and contributors are their own and do not represent the views of Kingdom Winds LLC.

About the Author

Wanda Alger is a Kingdom Winds Contributor. She is a recognized fivefold prophetic minister with DOVE USA ( and has a passion to equip and empower the saints for the work of ministry! She has produced five books, numerous video, and audio teaching series, and is currently working on her next project which will be addressing personal freedom and deliverance. Stay tuned!