Civil War

The coming Season is for those in unity with Me and with each other.

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The Church is at War with itself — mostly about politics — but sometimes about doctrine!

“If it is not of God, it will soon pass. But if it is from God, you may find yourselves fighting God himself – “ Gamaliel in Acts 5:34-39.

There’s so much I could say on this, and much of it would make me highly unpopular!

99% of The Church believes 95% of the same things.

It’s the doctrines of man that separate them. They stay separated for a different reason though!

The separation is maintained to protect their congregation — not in a spiritual sense, as one should expect, but in a financial sense!

Most Churches eke out a living on the income they receive from their flock!

In Britain, the subject of Tithing is taboo. Yet if people tithed, The Churches would all thrive, and those who tithe will thrive too. I’ve never ever known a tither to suffer real lack.

It’s a huge topic, and there are problems, but the true denominationalism in Churches is as much about survival as it’s about doctrine.

That’s why we need both Tithing and Unity NOW — not sometime later — but today!

“This ‘civil war’ in My church MUST STOP!” declares The LORD!

“Now is the time for Unity!

Now is the time to ask and give forgiveness of each other and to repent before Me.

I AM sending My Spirit in great power to those who are right with Me, but those who persist with this war of words with each other will receive nothing.

What is it to you who I favor and who I choose?

Are you My Advisory Board?

Are you My counselors?

I have moved and you are fighting with Me, not with each other!

Come back to The Altar and wrestle with Me in prayer and I will show you My Plans, My Way ahead for you.

Do not My Prophets tell you of amazing days ahead?

Do you discount them too?

Oh My precious children, when will you believe that I do ALL things for good and not for evil.

This division, this offense, this angst has only one source. Obey Me, resist the enemy, and he MUST flee!

Come, let us reason together and I will show you many things you do not know.

The coming Season is for those in unity with Me and with each other.

Do not quench The Holy Spirit as He comes to minister to you.

Receive Him, receive Me. Repent and turn once again to My side.

Sit at My feet and learn from Me!” says The LORD your God!

Yes, it’s time to end the civil war.

It’s time to unite The Churches — denominational differences are fine just so long as they don’t prevent unity on the 95% of common ground supposedly shared by all of them.

If there’s a particular sin to single out for action, it’s pride!

It’s time for humility — rather than pride — because all pride will do is reinforce the barriers of difference rather than accept and celebrate the common ground!


The Upper Room Encounter

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About the Author

Chris and Linda Bennett, are founders of The Upper Room - A Place of Encounter. Upper Room has at its heart a great yearning to see revival return to the UK—to Wales in particular. The ministry operates in all of the gifts of the Holy Spirit. They currently live in Rotherham, South Yorkshire, but are called to Wales to help usher in revival.