
I’ll Dance for Joy

I will dance for You my God and my King. I will praise You all of my days in all of my ways.

Where Do You Stand?

Where are you standing today? On whose side? With God or with the world? Have you made your choice?

His Healing Quill

What legacy are you leaving today for those who will follow you? What are you writing down?

This We Proclaim!

This letter I am holding is testimony directly from someone who witnessed these wondrous events!
Someone who endured unimaginable persecution because of his faithfulness to this very testimony!

Just Not That Into You

I pray the distractions that once pushed You aside

will become less important in our daily lives

and that the things we choose to fill our days

will be things that please You and bring You praise

Three Days Later

With his last breath, as spirit separated from broken body, he whooshed through a darkened vortex of time engulfed by eternity

When His Promises Tarry

Six months later, the first draft of my manuscript was finished, so I thought that all that was left was to edit it and get it published right?