When His Promises Tarry

Six months later, the first draft of my manuscript was finished, so I thought that all that was left was to edit it and get it published right?

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In December of 2018, the Lord prompted me to write a book. Soon after I received that word, I was flooded by ideas, stories, and what I would write about. Anytime an idea would come to me, I would jot it down and write it in my manuscript. The Lord specifically instructed me on writing my personal testimony of how Christ set me free from insecurities, depression, and fear.

Six months later, the first draft of my manuscript was finished, so I thought all that was left was to edit it and get it published, right?


My initial goal in writing this book was, and still is, to get it published with a big publisher such as Thomas Nelson or Zondervan. It’s funny now, looking back, how easy I thought this whole process would be. I must admit that I was a tad ignorant and the dreamer in me believed that doors would open for me just like that.

I had little knowledge of how publishing worked, and soon enough lost hope that my book would get published the traditional route, after many literary agents and publishers told me “no.”

Regardless of the many “no’s” I received, I continued reaching out to agents when a very sweet agent advised me that I should self-publish some books first and sell a couple thousand.

A COUPLE THOUSAND! “I might as well just give up,” I thought.

I thanked her for her wise words and afterward felt defeated. “How in the world am I going to write another manuscript and get it self-published this year (this was back in 2019)?” I thought. I had a pity party and got somewhat discouraged. I was inundated by questions and kept wondering how I would achieve this when 1) I didn’t have an audience or platform or speaking engagements and 2) I didn’t know what I would write about.

I prayed and prayed and prayed some more and I asked the Lord to guide me and give me a book that would encourage women and make them laugh. A few days later, I started writing my first novel, and within five weeks, the manuscript was written and ready to be published.

July 28th, 2019 “So, this is Motherhood?” was published and ready to be shared with the world. I received so much positive feedback and was asked if there was going to be a part two.

Again, I wrote like a madwoman and was relentless in getting part two published before the end of 2019. Months went by, and I continued to write and edit part two of my novel and just like I hoped for, part two was published by October 23rd, 2019!

Now back to the first manuscript the Lord asked me to write. I continued to edit that book this year as I kept reaching out to agents in the hopes that someone would finally say “yes.” Instead, I continued getting a “no” or no response at all.

I’ve questioned God on several occasions, and to this day, my book has yet to be published. Each time I want to throw in the towel, God reminds me that He would not leave me empty-handed. If He clearly instructed me on writing a book as such it is because, one day, He will open the right doors at the right time.

I want to encourage anyone that is waiting on a promise from God. His word says this,

“For the vision is yet for an appointed time; But at the end it will speak, and it will not lie. Though it tarries, wait for it; Because it will surely come, It will not tarry,” -Habakkuk 2:3 NKJV (emphasis added).

I know this is probably not the ending you were expecting —because I am still waiting on the Lord to fulfill what He has promised me. In the meantime, I will continue to trust in Him, worship, pray, fast, and draw close to Him, regardless of how long this process takes. I can assure you that the faith you have will move mountains and one day you will see that promise fulfilled—I know I will!

God has a plan and a purpose in everything He does in our lives. I now behold a plethora of knowledge of how the publishing and writing industry works. I’ve gained experience in editing and self-publishing, and I now know the protocol of getting a book published the traditional route. I’ve learned how to write a book proposal (which took me months to do) and how to query agents. I’ve made it a goal to grow an audience utilizing social media and, slowly but surely, I am getting there. It takes time, effort, hard work, and dedication. It’s tedious, overwhelming, but so rewarding.

Dare to dream big and dare to believe that God can and will do the impossible for you!


The views and opinions expressed by Kingdom Winds Collective Members, authors, and contributors are their own and do not represent the views of Kingdom Winds LLC.

About the Author

Nallely is a graduate from Christ for the Nations. She is a blogger, writer, and photographer in her spare time. Nallely currently resides in Odessa, TX with husband and toddler son. She has a passion to write and encourage people with her writing.

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