Introducing KINGDOM KIDS with Bekah Pardoe and Her Mom Stacey

We are super excited to launch Kingdom Kids. Written for and by Kingdom-minded youth.

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I am beyond thrilled to open the door of our Collective to younger writers. This has been on my heart for some time but sadly I never took any action to make it happen. As God often does with us, a need is presented or a connection is made at just the right time. When I read Bekah Pardoe and her mom Stacey’s story, I knew in my heart now was the time.

We look forward to adding many more voices to Kingdom Kids so please help us get the word out to those who might be interested in joining us. To apply for membership click here.  Keep reading to learn more about Bekah, our first official Kindom Kid, and how she got started on her writing journey with the help of her mom.



Throughout the past year or two, our sweet daughter Bekah has been asking to start her own blog for kids.  A few weeks ago I told her if she could write fifteen posts to convey her commitment, we would do it.  Honestly, I expected her to write a post or two and lose interest.

Much to my surprise, she cranked out all fifteen posts with focus and determination.  With sheer ten-year-old vision and insight, she has proven herself.  Her vision is to write a devotional post and a post with fun activities every week.

Honestly, I had plenty of reservations.  This isn’t a vision I pushed upon her because I have a blog too (not at all – one blog is more than enough for me!).  It’s not something I ever would have even suggested (again, one blog is plenty).

But I see the way writing feeds her soul, and I get it.

I see her desire to share her words.  I love the passion it is fueling in her.  I’m proud of these things and want to support her.

I’ll be her proofreader and tech-support, but I’m doing my best not to meddle – not to change her words.

I do love seeing her hunched over her open Bible and devotional book in front of the Chromebook as she pounds out words.  And I’m really loving the words she writes.

Her blog is geared toward kids around her age.  We hope and pray her words will inspire and encourage.


-Stacey Pardoe


Featured Image by Kelli Tungay on Unsplash

The views and opinions expressed by Kingdom Winds Collective Members, authors, and contributors are their own and do not represent the views of Kingdom Winds LLC.

About the Author

Beth’s love of the written word has been evident her entire life. She has been an avid reader ever since she got her hands on a Sellersville Elementary School library card. Although she occasionally still enjoys a gripping novel, most of her current reading is focused on expanding her understanding of God and growing in Him. She is also deeply passionate about the Word and is diligent to hide it in her heart. Her journey into writing began much later in life. Beth’s first book Joy All Around Us, which she wrote with her husband Gary and their daughter Tara, was published in 2016. One of Beth’s passions is telling stories that engage readers and listeners while offering them wisdom and biblically-based solutions for navigating the twists and turns of life. She plans to continue pursuing both writing and speaking and focusing on helping those around her realize their God-given potential and dreams.