Call Me a Fool

We must break the cycle of the preach without the practice,

If they know the truth by our love, let’s give them something of substance.

Through the eyes of the Creator, the creation is flawless,

Who are we to condemn, judge, abuse, and argue against it?

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As a Father, He probably hopes for the best in His kids,

Surely if it’s printed in the good book, we can get it and live it.

Maybe He knew we might be slow to mature,

But He mentioned this so many times—we just look foolish.


Proverbs, Timothy, Philippians, Romans, Corinthians, and so on,

“Avoid quarreling,” “Don’t quarrel over opinion,” stop being a fool.

Perhaps the question is whether we choose to reflect His nature,

As we continue to read these words while tangled in a Facebook poll.


Are we the only followers content with distancing ourselves from our God?

Do we care more about being right than showing His love?

Maybe we’re entitled to quarrel because America gives us the freedom,

But do we value this law more than the souls purchased by His Son?


We have been given the responsibility of hosting His presence,

We are the veins that carry His blood to our neighbor’s heart.

But we continue to argue, slander and prove His word to be void.

After all, if it were true, we’d be “foolish” to tear each other apart.


How can we represent Him when we’re busy representing ourselves?

Every time our opinions trump His commands, the world takes notice.

We must break the cycle of the preach without the practice,

If they know the truth by our love, let’s give them something of substance.


Through the eyes of the Creator, the creation is flawless,

Who are we to condemn, judge, abuse, and argue against it?

The decree is clear to see if our eyes are focused correctly,

Maybe we should switch our view to His—or is our view still more important?


Call me a fool, but I believe if it’s written, it must be possible,

To live in harmony with each other and the world around us.

Perhaps the real fool swells up within us all,

When we ignore our God’s commands and pick up our own idols.



This is an updated edition of a post originally published on

Photo by Marten Newhall on Unsplash

The views and opinions expressed by Kingdom Winds Collective Members, authors, and contributors are their own and do not represent the views of Kingdom Winds LLC.

About the Author

Kassi Russell is a wife and mom by day, and a writer by night (and in the car, or at soccer games). Kassi is originally from Greenville, SC where she and her husband met in middle school and have been married for 11 years. Her passion for writing blossomed in Atlanta, GA where her four children (ages 8, 6, 2 and 1) completed their tribe. She is currently writing a series of children's books and blogging. Along with writing she enjoys music and arts, the great outdoors, and well-written movies.

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