
If we don’t rise up in our might— like Gideon we will surely slip into fatal paralysis!

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Things are happening so fast, we’ve been blindsided

It’s like watching some weird sci-fi flick

But we’d better snap out of our mesmerized state

‘cause we are losing our freedoms and losing them quick!

Don’t sit on your hands and just watch this show

Prognosticating and concentrating on analysis

If we don’t rise up in our might— like Gideon

We will surely slip into fatal paralysis!

Rise up mighty warrior, the battle is upon us

We must rally and engage in this fight

For every day the stakes get higher and higher

Darkness is hell-bent to get rid of the light!

Arise, shine for your light has finally come

Hold the torch of freedom, hold it high

Prophesy to this nation and its lost

“The glory of the Lord is coming nigh!”

But freedom and deliverance won’t just fall into our lap

Repentance, humility, and prayer will birth their arrival

God will then respond and heal our sin-sick land:

The darkness we see now will yield to mass revival!



Featured Image by Linus Sandvide on Unsplash

The views and opinions expressed by Kingdom Winds Collective Members, authors, and contributors are their own and do not represent the views of Kingdom Winds LLC.

About the Author

Debbie Fickess is a Kingdom Winds Contributor.

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