Are You Living Heaven’s Agenda or Yours?

I can act upon the Word that He’s speaking to me and see Heaven’s Agenda unfolding in the midst of my own!

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An agenda is a list of items, schedules, programs, timetables, itineraries, lineups, lists, plans, or to-do lists.


Anyone who goes about their day probably has one of these. When I first get up in the AM and attempt to get my day started, I usually have a to-do list of some kind. Things that I need to get done for one reason or another. But how many of us seek Jesus’s agenda first? And for that matter, how many even realize that Heaven has an agenda of its own?
It’s so easy to get ourselves wrapped up in the daily routines that we create and forget Heaven’s plan for us.  You’re probably asking what Heaven’s agenda is. Jesus Christ was always about His Father’s business, He was actively allowing Heaven’s agenda to dictate His day.
While this may sound great for Jesus, many of us struggle with this idea, saying that we are not Jesus. Jesus lives in you and if we allow Him to, He will interrupt our agendas with Heaven’s as we go about our day.
Paul had (what he called) Heavenly Vision when he encountered the Lord on the road to Emmaus. This set his life’s course in a totally different direction than the way he was originally going. That Heavenly Vision completely changed his personal agenda to a Heavenly one from that point forward. (Acts 26:12-20)
It’s so easy to become tunnel vision in our lives and forget Who we belong to. Sometimes we act like the guy who beholds his face in a mirror and then walks away and promptly forgets what he looks like (James 1:23-24).
It talks about hearing the Word and doing it, about not just listening but acting upon it. Some would interpret this to be the written Word, but to me, it’s the Words I hear from the Holy Spirit while I’m out and about attempting to do my agenda.
As I hear Him speak to me I can be a hearer only, and follow my own agenda, or I can act upon the Word that He’s speaking to me right then and see Heaven’s Agenda unfolding in the midst of my own!
Heaven’s agenda should always trump mine, however, this is a learning curve, I don’t always get it right and I often miss opportunities that I should have taken advantage of. I look at these missed opportunities, not as places for self-condemnation, but as places to learn and stretch myself.
I travel on this journey and partner with the Father, the Son, the Holy Spirit, and Heaven itself to truly see His Kingdom come and His Will be done. Although I’m not doing it perfectly yet, God’s grace is there to carry me along the way.
“And your ears will hear a word behind you, saying, This is the way; walk in it, when you turn to the right hand and when you turn to the left.” Isaiah 30:21
Learn to listen to the One Who is speaking from behind you today, and step out and into Heaven’s Agenda as every opportunity unveils itself. As you do, you will not only find incredible fulfillment, but you’ll also get to see the Glory of God manifest right in front of your face and perhaps also someone else’s life permanently changed because of it!


Featured Image by Dorothe from Pixabay

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About the Author

Daniel Pontious is a Kingdom Winds Contributor and passionate about teaching and revealing the Heart of the Father and Drawing people Closer to Him. It is his desire to see every member of the Body of Christ Functioning in their Personal Identity In Him!

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