An Answered Prayer

If you aren’t seeing God answer your prayer in the way you expected Him to, know that He does hear you.

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The day had come. I sat on a bench that faced the escalator, watching people who had just arrived from the Phoenix to Orange County flight. My stomach was in a knot. The calm tone of my friend’s voice, as she conversed with me over my cell phone, was the only thing that kept me from running back to my car and driving away.  What was I thinking when I had agreed to this meeting? Would I even recognize him? Would he recognize me? Or would he walk right past me?

Then, I saw him. To this day, I don’t know how I knew it was him. I just did.  He was slightly on the short side, like me, had a bit of a belly, and was dressed in a blue Hawaiian shirt, tan shorts, and flip flops like he was ready for the beach. I could feel my heart pounding, and my cheeks turning red as he made his way down the escalator.  I tried not to stare.  To my amazement, he knew who I was too. Without hesitation, he walked right up to me and gave me a big hug. As we reunited after a twenty-four-year absence, I thanked God for answering the prayer I had prayed for as long as I could remember. That someday, I’d be able to meet and hug my biological father.

If there’s anything I’ve learned in my almost forty years of life, it’s that sometimes miracles take time. This was one of those times.  Some of the most significant prayers I’ve seen answered in miraculous ways are the ones I’ve prayed for the longest. Perhaps this is why in Luke 18, Jesus urges us to keep knocking on the door of heaven until we receive an answer.  “And he told them a parable to the effect that they ought always to pray and not lose heart.” Luke 18:1 ESV

Friend, if you aren’t seeing God answer your prayer in the way you expected Him to, know that He does hear you, and He will answer. Don’t lose heart. Keep on knocking on heaven’s door even if you’ve been petitioning the Lord for years. Trust Him enough to permit Him to answer in the way and time He thinks is best. His good answer will astound you.  “Then you will call upon me and come and pray to me, and I will hear you.” Jeremiah 29:12 ESV

What is the impossible prayer you are trusting God to make possible in His time?


Prayer: Lord God, thank You for hearing me, listening to me, and answering me when I call on You. Please help me not lose heart and give up when I feel like You’re not answering my prayers in the timeframe and the way I expect. Today, I choose to put my trust in You and let You answer my prayers in the way You see fit.  In Jesus’ Name, Amen.



Featured Image by Ryan McGuire from Pixabay

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About the Author

Brandie Muncaster is a wife and mother who possesses a passion for God’s Word, praying for people, and seeing God transform people’s lives through inner healing. As someone who has known the powerful transforming work of God in her own life, it is her passion to see others experience the same! Brandie and her husband have been married for over a decade, and they have three young children. Their most favorite past times are playing sports, and spending time outdoors either at the beach or in the mountains. The Muncaster family happily resides in the Charlotte, NC area.