A Shower of His Light

Maybe you have felt very lackluster lately? He has greater ways to shine brightly within you.

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I have been sitting on a word of wisdom for 6 weeks. As much as I wished to release it before now, the Lord wouldn’t allow it. It felt too precious and I was meant to ponder it and consider its meaning or to let it go deep. It felt like I was being given insight into God’s great treasure chest.

Just last month on June 2nd, I woke up from a dream where I heard what I believe to be the Spirit of Wisdom speak and say: “Just as a meteor shower comes to hit the earth, so My presence will be released”. Hearing the voice of wisdom in this way is not new, and I would literally be the last person on earth you would ask anything about the cosmos, the stars, the galaxies, or meteors! But God knows how to spark intrigue into each one of us, and so I set out on a journey of searching it out.

From Lexico dot com, I found that a meteor is “a small body of matter from outer space that enters the earth’s atmosphere, becoming incandescent as a result of friction and appearing as a streak of light.” According to Sky and Telescope, a meteor is a fragment of a comet that has entered our atmosphere and the meteor is the actual flash of light you see in the sky. 

Most meteors do not hit the earth, but this is their trajectory as they light up and streak across the night sky. Interestingly, the origination point of a meteor is called a “radiant”.

There are several meteor showers coming up this summer that could easily point to this release of His presence, one being Perseids (pronounced per-see-id). Perseids will start its display on July 17 and peak around August 11 and 12. Perseid sounds like “perceive it.” Job 33:14-16 NKJV says, “For God may speak in one way or in another, yet man does not perceive it.” 

The wisdom of God is being displayed in new ways and new things we have never seen or heard before are coming to earth and will draw us to Jesus. Some will be unveiled within you and me…new realms of glory. Isaiah 43:19 says I am doing something brand new, something unheard of…can you perceive it?

Often times in God’s great wisdom, He will slowly build something so that’s its foundations go deep and we are allowed to peer into the vast greatness of what He wants us to perceive, allowing our eyes to be opened completely as He is building. I would propose that what He has been building is you and me, and a place to hold the capacity of His great presence. You are a vessel created for His glory, according to Romans 8:18-19 and 9:23. You are a glory carrier.

If you are like me, you love His presence and the timeline is always secondary. I began to think about the many ways that His presence could occur. His word, “Just as” means, in like manner or similar to, or it could mean at the same time. 

A meteor shower happens suddenly or explosively (with power), with brightness or radiance, sometimes with color, and it cascades out across the dark expanse of the earth or across a large span or atmosphere. It is brilliant and beautiful. It fills us with awe and wonderment as we gaze upon its glory.

You are meant to be filled with the awe and wonder of God. You are the space God wants to “radiate” and furnish with His glory (which is His presence).

Maybe you have felt very lackluster lately? He has greater ways to shine brightly within you. He does this each time your heart believes in His word and in each place that you worship Him, you grow in capacity for glory. There, hidden in your heart, shines a light so bright. His word is a lamp and a light with which you are created to shine. 

Allow your heart to fully believe again. I know it can be hard, but I believe that God, in His wisdom, will literally release those who shine with the light of His presence, with wisdom and with the revelation of who they are called to be. It will be like Ephesians 3:10 coming to life and His infinite and many varied ways of releasing wisdom will be released in our days. The church, His ecclesia, is called to shine with His wisdom!

You are a son or a daughter of light. Daniel was one. Daniel 12:3 says, “Those who are wise shall shine like the brightness of the firmament, and those who turn many to righteousness”. His light upon you will draw others to Jesus because your  “radiant”, or your origination point, is Jesus! 

As I was putting finishing touches upon this word, I came across a notification on my device that says a comet called NEOWISE can be seen in the next few weeks and has not been seen in 23 years. It is three miles wide! It’s very rare for a comet to be seen with the naked eye.

Many new things will be on display in the coming days and His glory will always WOW! The creator of the universe is coming with greater glory, allowing us to peer into the heavenly realm seeking to know Him more as He fills us with glory. Open the eyes of your heart to receive it, and prepare to be amazed! He is pulling back the curtains of heaven and we get to be a great part of this great and glorious journey. 


Neowise Comet Coming



Featured image by Nick Iliasov

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About the Author

Brenda Rundus has been richly blessed to serve in various functions in the body of Christ for the past 22 years, including as a prophetic intercessor and servant leader. She is a prolific dreamer and a passionate carrier of God's presence. She finds joy in releasing what God wants to flow through her to encourage people in their identity and in their walk with God as a son or daughter. As a lover of God's Word, she is called to bring heaven to earth. Her most important roles in life have been as a wife to her husband Paul, and as a mother to their two grown sons. She resides in the Sacramento region of California and has called it her home for almost 30 years.

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