Alleluia!! Alleluia!! Holy are You!!
This is what I hear in the atmosphere of heaven, heralding something new. Trumpets are raised in victory, lifted high, we lift you high, King of ALL Kings!!
A proclamation and a royal declaration go out…let the people shout…trumpeting a new song throughout the land; ushering in Kingdom revelation at Your command! The dawn of a new day springs forth. A light show on display…in your day! I hear some say-
“This could never happen.”
And yet, His will does have its way. From His Word- He cannot and will not turn away. It goes forth to accomplish all foretold, leaving some perplexed, as God ushers in His “next”.
Glory on display will hit the papers, the news. Even the MSM who didn’t have a clue will begin to see the truth of who and what they are called to be. Upgrades will be given as hearts bow down… getting rid of all pride and sin, by the blood of Jesus, the greater glory in store for them to reside.
No one will be unaffected- the highly esteemed, the lowly, and the rejected, all touched by the glory of God. Filled with wonder. Filled with awe.
You’ve never seen it before. You won’t put the pause on it. No one can contain it. Who can contain the glory of His name? He will permeate everything! I mean everything. Every sphere, tribe, creature. Every family. Every preacher. Universities and other systems who rejected Him… a change of heart will be seen in them…repentance in the land! They will sing-
Unbelievable you say? Ha…watch God raise the trumpet releasing a royal proclamation in this day. A reformation surpassing all reformations will come at His command. Ready or not, you will stand amazed at the GLORY of HIS name!
KING of KINGS, have your way as this royal proclamation brings in the GREATEST REFORMATION.
The unveiling of the light of His glory upon His people will release our greatest days! I am getting ready!
Featured Image by Kenrick Mills on Unsplash
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