A New Weight of His Glory is Coming

God’s love and power are going to be released over them, in them, to them, and eventually through them.

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At many times in my life, I have had experiences where I have felt such a powerful manifestation of the Presence of God, to the point where I couldn’t even move my body physically.

He would come into the room and I would feel this tangible weight upon me that would compel me to remain there sometimes for hours at a time. Just spending time in His Presence was addictive, because no one had ever loved me that way before.

It seemed as though every time I would experience His Glory there would be deeper longing, a deeper desire, to come closer to Him than I had ever been before. Each time this would happen to me, it wasn’t my sins He would point out, it wasn’t my failures or my faults He would address, all I could sense or feel was the Love of God flooding over my life.

For many years I couldn’t understand why He kept sending waves of His Glory over me, why, of all people, He would want me. It wasn’t until years later that I realized that this dynamic wasn’t just meant for me but for every Son and Daughter of God called by His Name.

I believe that there is a new Weight Of His Glory getting ready to drop on those who are His real Sons and Daughters. As they come before Him with an expectation of His Presence, He is going to enter their personal space and just as the priests could not stand when He entered the temple 2 Chronicles 5:14, the Kabod Of God (the Weight Of splendor Of His Presence) is going to cover them.

His Love and Power are going to be released over them, in them, to them, and eventually through them. They are going to become living carriers of not His Judgement, not His anger, or His wrath, but of the Power Of His Love. He will use those who are His to touch the earth in the same fashion that Jesus did.

Jesus left a residue of the Presence, His Power, and the Love of the Father everywhere He went, even as far as the Cross itself, which is why His last words were of forgiveness and Love. If you’re one of His Sons and Daughters you need to have an encounter with His Love, because if you can’t love your brother whom you can see how can you love God whom you can’t? (1 John 2:9-10)


Featured Image by Naassom Azevedo on Unsplash

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About the Author

Daniel Pontious is a Kingdom Winds Contributor and passionate about teaching and revealing the Heart of the Father and Drawing people Closer to Him. It is his desire to see every member of the Body of Christ Functioning in their Personal Identity In Him!

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