The meek are a beautiful people. They are not who you might think. They are not weak. When they speak, it’s a powerful thing! From a place of humility, His people come to realize and know their need of King Jesus. The meek are the ones who trust their King with everything. As I was contemplating the meek, I heard Him say:
“The singer will sing
The prophet will speak
The seer will dream
Watch what I do in the meek!
You call them mild
but they are wild for Me
faith soaring as a little child
with My infinite grace and peace-
they can do all things!
They will occupy the land
as my heirs, they inherit the earth
taking delight in My Word
ushering in great increase of shalom, peace.”
This peace brings completeness, security, soundness, health, and prosperity to every part of life. Our Prince of Peace takes up full residence in the ones with a meek heart. Learning from Him takes a meek and humble heart to receive.
Matthew 11:29- Take My yoke upon you and learn from Me, for I am gentle and lowly in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. NKJV
Psalm 25:9- The humble He guides in justice, and the humble He teaches His way. NKJV
Some like to arrogantly demand their way…far from God’s way. But God’s people humbly seek His face and His ways so that healing can take place in the land. Will we follow the voice of the day, the one that seeks its OWN way? Proverbs 14:12 NKJV says, “There is a way that seems right to a man, but its end is the way to death.” When we seek our own way, we are seeking for our own gain. The old way of seeking our way truly needs to die so that resurrected life can come forth.
In the USA, I see us at such a pivotal point. The enemy would always want us to retreat from advancing and says “step back from the brink”, but the Kingdom of God is always advancing and enlarging. Keep forging forward because we are on the brink of God’s glory seen in every sphere of life and we are advancing into greater realms of breakthrough!
Do not retreat from following God’s way, from a heart of love and humility. This is powerful! He gives grace to the humble (James 4:6) and grace is really, really powerful. It’s the gospel of Jesus.
I heard His Spirit speak… the meek seek not for their own desire. Entitlement they gave up, burned in the fire. Now their desire is His alone. Whatever they ask, He will do because they carry the heart of their King.
The meek are teachable. What a beautiful thing to seek the desires of the King, above all things, and to be given the kingdom! In this place, you can step into your holy anointing and receive all He longs to bring- His desires.
Micah 6:8 NKJV – He has shown you, O man, what is good; and what does the Lord require of you but to do justly, to love mercy, and to walk humbly with your God.
Psalm 37:11 NKJV- The meek will inherit the earth and delight themselves in the abundance of peace.
I felt the heart of the Lord for children in this hour, those born and those yet to be born. This verse came to mind in Matthew 19:14 NASB, “But Jesus said, Let the children alone, and do not hinder them from coming to Me; for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these”. The kingdom of heaven belongs to our children and I see them making headlines in the near future. They will walk in great signs and wonders. It will confound many whose hearts have yet to be renewed. The great trust, love, purity, sweet abandon, and meekness of children are on the heart of the King!
Jesus, I pray that we would humble ourselves for Your ways. Show us as your people, how to live a life desiring Your will and your justice above our own, and preferring one another in love. I pray for the children, born and unborn, that they would be protected and brought up in the love and grace you have for them in this generation. I pray for our nation, that we would seek your face and find your grace and mercy in this time and place. I thank you for the blood you shed, Jesus, and for the forgiveness of our sins. Cause us to be baptized and filled with your Spirit and fire, once again! Set the land forth with healing! Pierce our eyes and ears to hear and be transformed, only by You, as we seek You humbly. Empower us to have the mind of Christ, that our nation could soar above the roar that leads to death. Cause us to be transformed into Your image. We thank you Jesus for living so vibrantly within your people. We are ready to occupy the earth as you awaken and bring revival to heal the land. So be it Lord Jesus!!
Featured Image by Roma Kaiuk on Unsplash
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