REPEL the Hope Stealers

I’m putting a fresh gift of hope in the hands of My people.

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REPEL the hope stealers … and secure your hope in God!

God says: “I give you hope! It’s a prized deposit of mind-boggling value. Take it. It is a downpayment on things to come. Take hold of My HOPE, welcome it, and let it do its good work in you. Let the hope I give you run free. Make it something SO REAL that you will change your today… so you can receive its fruits tomorrow. I want you to know the fruit of this next season will bless many. The HOPE I give is not purposeless or powerless. Something world-changingly enormous is coming by My Spirit. To prepare for it, I’m putting a fresh gift of hope in the hands of My people.

This gift will awaken them with supernatural dreams, unexpected thoughts, incredible possibilities, and extraordinary visions. It’s putting fresh fruit on their branches and stirring great expectations for a bountiful harvest season in their hearts. It’s mobilizing My army to take hold of My promises, to get out of the trenches of fear, and see many things previously lost repossessed back into My kingdom. See right now… I’m dropping kingdom ideas, plans, and initiatives into people’s spirits.

These are things they could never have seen, thought about, or imagined in their own minds. BUT I TELL YOU: Hold onto hope and learn how to ignore the hope stealers. They are coming in many forms and disguises to stop you from obeying My call. Some will present as evil, and others may look harmless, but they have one mission to steal your hope. Don’t fear them but also don’t give them any attention. Remember: I gave you this hope! They cannot take what you’re not willing to give up.”

The thief wants your hope!

  • He knows when hope evaporates, then winds and storms seem too big to overcome.
  • When hope hides, then any mountain looks too big to move.
  • When hope is gone, then nobody wants to wait in faith and patience.

The hope stealer knows that if he can eliminate the foundations of your HOPE then he can destroy the beginnings of your faith. So, he goes after your hope! He wants to destroy your hope! He wants to take your reward and cause you to look to circumstances as the author of your future. It’s your faith that he is after. He knows no branch can bear fruit by itself; it must remain in the vine. And when the branch is grafted into hope, its faith will bring forth an abundance of fruit. [John 15:4] He wants to get your eyes off Jesus!

Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen. [Hebrews 11:1] Hope looks to Jesus and believes God’s word to be true. Both our faith and hope must rest securely in God. [1 Peter 1:21] This hope we have is an anchor of the soul, both sure and steadfast, and which enters the Presence behind the veil. [Hebrews 6:19] This hope goes right to where God dwells and draws its strength from His very presence.

Hope is the map that leads faith to God’s best future for us. Therefore, hope must reside in faith. It’s the only way it can move. Real hope takes life, breath, and influence away from the oppressor and revives the expectations, dreams, and faith of the needy! Hope bounds, muzzles, and gags the mouth of the devil so only God can be heard!

Without hope, there is no future. That’s why the devil goes after it! He is persistent in his attempts to rob, kill, and destroy everyone’s hope. WHY? He knows as a child of God, you are already commissioned, appointed, and ordained for places and purposes so far beyond your best and greatest hopes and dreams. But if you can’t see that… you won’t ever put any faith into it.

Many have faith but cannot find action in it. Many have faith but struggle to find strength in it. They wonder why their faith is motionless and unable to activate. The answer is simple… Without hope, there is no picture or map faith can follow. Without hope people’s faith is immobilized. Right now, there are literally millions of people surrounded by so much darkness, depression, and deceptions that all they can see is themselves, their feelings, and their circumstances.

Daily they wander around in the dark because they have lost sight of God’s purpose for their life. Those who forget God have no hope. [Job 8:13] The devil wants you to doubt God and lose hope.

Let’s have a revelation like Job and a testimony that says:

I pray that God, the source of hope, will fill you completely with joy and peace because you trust in him. Then you will overflow with confident hope through the power of the Holy Spirit. [Romans 15:13] So be strong and courageous, all you who put your hope in the Lord! [Psalm 31:24]

The LORD is pleased with those who honor and worship Him, those who put their hope in His unfailing love. [Psalm 147:11] Sure, the devil can do a lot and bring great destruction, but my God is so much better. He is faithful to His children. I can’t fight and defeat this devil on my own, but my God can. I see now. I believe now. Who can stand against the Lord God Almighty? Who can oppress those who hide under the shadow of His Presence? Who can succeed against the children of God? How can evil take away what belongs to God?

If he tries My God will only make the thief pay back sevenfold. I will praise and worship my God! I will trust and have faith in Him! I will bring my sacrifice daily to Him alone! My hope is in Him! I WILL REJOICE IN THIS HOPE – GOD LOVES ME FOREVER!


This is an updated edition of a post originally published on NicoSmit

Featured Image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay

The views and opinions expressed by Kingdom Winds Collective Members, authors, and contributors are their own and do not represent the views of Kingdom Winds LLC.

About the Author

Nico Smit is Lead Pastor at RiverCity Churches (Australia), Chairman at Gateway Life Solutions, Director at OCI Foundation, and a respected prophetic voice in the Christian community. National elder with ACTS Global churches in Australia and a council member on the Australian Prophetic Council. He holds a clinical counsellor's registration and is a current member on the Australian Register of Counsellors and Psychotherapists. He has over 30 years of missions, leadership, church planting and church building experience. Author of 5 published books. Based in Australia. From Durban, South Africa. Married to Joe-Ann. Two married adult children and four beautiful grandchildren.