Lana Vawser: I Heard the Lord Say “Fulfilled”

I will bring you into a place where you see the power of My hand REDEEM time.

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Recently, I heard the Lord’s voice and it came with a thunderous sound and He said, “FULFILLED.”

I then heard Hebrews 6:13 surrounding me: ‘Now when God made a promise to Abraham, since there was no one greater than himself, he swore an oath on his own integrity to keep the promise as sure as God exists!’ (TPT)

As I leaned in and listened to the Lord, I heard the Lord say: “I see many of you so weary from the war. So weary from the ferocious battles that have warred over your promises, and there are many of you who have laid down your faith for your promises because the battle has been long. But I have been with you every step, and I have not left you nor forsaken you.

There are many of you who have been in such a place of discouragement over the transition place and in the war over your promises, that you have lost sight of who I am and what I have promised you. But I say unto you, “I AM GOING TO REMIND YOU AGAIN!” Be expectant to see My faithfulness like you have never seen it before in this season.

For I say unto you that I am bringing many of you back full circle to that which I have promised you — with greater increase and expansion and I AM FULFILLING THAT WHICH I HAVE PROMISED YOU! I say unto you, lift up your eyes and look into mine, for I am NOT a man that I should lie (Num 23:19) and I am declaring over you, FULFILLED.

For the enemy has come against many of you with the word ‘FAILED.’ His taunting accusations have been relentless against you, that what I have promised you has failed and that you will not see that which I have spoken to you. But I say unto you, that the war has been great over the promises, but THIS IS THE HOUR where you shall see the lies and accusations of the enemy where he has spoken ‘FAILED,’ SUDDENLY turn to ‘FULFILLED.’

I have NOT forgotten, and I am working ALL THINGS for your good. I say unto you, that MY WORD goes forth to accomplish the assignment to which I sent it (Is 55:11). Many of you have felt like you have been in the greatest war of your life: over that which I have spoken to you, and you have felt like time has been against you — that time is running out and has run out on that which I have promised you.

But, My people, let Me remind you again that I am the God that lives OUTSIDE of time: time is but a resource to Me. Watch in the coming hours, days, and months how I will bring into fulfillment that which is impossible. And in those areas where you have felt like time is running out, or run out, I will bring you into a place where you see the power of My hand REDEEM time.

You will see some of the greatest supernatural demonstrations of My declaration of “BEGIN AGAIN” bring forth some of the greatest demonstrations of the redemption of time in your midst, that you have EVER seen. Remember the God whom you serve. I am not bound by your natural realm, I AM THE GOD OF THE IMPOSSIBLE and I am going to reveal My faithfulness to you in this hour, in unprecedented ways.

My people, align not with the taunts of the enemy, “I failed to OCCUPY,” and align yourself with My truth that is declaring over you, “FULFILLED AND OCCUPIED!” My people, you MUST see as I see. You MUST listen to My voice and LOOK AGAIN. I am calling you higher.

LOOK AGAIN in the areas of promise that I have spoken to you. Let My fire fall upon your eyes to refine your focus and to deliver you from the filters of the process. SEE as I SEE! As you look again, you will see that the war has escalated recently, because of the threshold of birthing that you are crossing.

For I say unto you, that there have been many shifts, many thresholds, and many moments of transition in this season, and I have been after your hearts. I have been dealing with and refining areas of your heart that I must occupy. I have been shaking and shifting so that hearts — and all parts of the heart — return unto Me and come deeper into being focused upon Me and living deeply in My truth.

I have been working deeply upon your hearts in the process, and My Refiner’s fire has increased. I am bringing your heart deeper into truth and alignment with who I am and My nature, My love, and My revelation. I say unto you, I will make a way where there seems to be no way, watch as I part the seas to make a way for you (Exodus 14:14). Watch now as hope will be restored in many of your hearts, and as the manifestation of the promises and blueprints I have given you come forth and are BIRTHED.

Many will be left in awe of what I will do to provide and fulfil that which I have promised you: for the power of My hand will move and do what only I can do. Those who have laughed at the blueprint I have given you, those who have mocked the promises I gave to you, those who labeled you crazy to believe Me, they will be left in awe at My majesty and power to fulfill that which I have promised. I will close their mouths with My mighty demonstration of power. The naysayers will be silenced and My “YES AND AMEN” to fulfill that which I have promised you will be declared LOUDLY!

Watch and see how the war over the blueprints and the promises I have given you begins to lift as you move into a deeper place of stewarding the manifestation of that which I have spoken to you. There will be new giants to battle and new things to overcome in the land of promise, but your heart will be filled with strength and hope, faith and endurance again in Me, as you SEE the power of My hand deliver you and bring you through. I am bringing you into a deeper place of revelation of My victory and authority.

For in the war that you have endured — as you move further into stewarding the manifestation of the promise I have spoken — you will begin to see much of what I taught you and placed inside of you, through the war, that for many of you almost took you out. You will begin to see much of what I taught you about governing and overcoming. For even when the intimidation, the accusation, and the onslaught has come hard against you — to try to intimidate you into withdrawal — in the wrestle and the battle, I have strengthened you and placed inside you revelation and keys to overcoming much you did not even realize was taking place, but NOW you shall see.

I am raising you up, My people, to a new realm of FAITH! I am restoring faith in hearts again, where faith was lost. I am increasing faith in you, My people, to LOOK and SEE that which I have promised you. The remnants of many past seasons that have left many feeling like they are constantly battling unbelief, My Refiner’s fire has been dealing with these areas through your repentance.

I am raising you up to walk by faith and not by sight (2 Cor 5:7) in a way you have never seen. Not by your striving or human effort, but from living close to Me and a deeper revelation of who I am — the PROMISE KEEPER!

Stand strong My people. Stand in hope! For I AM THE GOD WHO DELIVERS, and I am declaring over you, “FULFILLED!” Arise, My overcomer, and OCCUPY!”


Purchase Lana’s book A Time to Selah: God’s Prophetic Invitation for you to Step Out of Crisis and Enter Into His Perfect Peace here.


This is an updated edition of a post originally published on Lana Vawser Ministries.

Featured Image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay

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About the Author

Lana Vawser is a Kingdom Winds Contributor and founder of Lana Vawser Ministries. She is a gifted prophet and teacher and loves to see others grow in all that God has for them.