The First Mile

When you begin that first mile with God, your day becomes much easier to navigate.

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Hebrews 12:1-2, “Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a huge crowd of witnesses to the life of faith, let us strip off every weight that slows us down, especially the sin that so easily trips us up. And let us run with endurance the race God has set before us. We do this by keeping our eyes on Jesus, the champion who initiates and perfects our faith. Because of the joy awaiting him, he endured the cross, disregarding its shame. Now he is seated in the place of honor beside God’s throne.”

So much is said about going the extra mile and that’s a good thing. There is also a lot said when it comes to running a race and keep on, keeping on, and enduring to the end. Even Paul uses it as a reference in our walk with Jesus until the day of salvation. But there also is something sad about the first mile.

My youngest liked to run for a brief period in her late teens, she even entered many races. One thing she learned as all runners do. It’s not the third or fourth mile that’s the toughest, it’s the first mile. To just get started can, at times, be a challenge.

Let’s begin with one simple word that involves the spiritual race you are running: BUSY.

We’re too busy, life gets crazy from the moment you wake up. There’s school, work, family, friends, relationships. As the hurricane of your household wakes up and your day begins, you are busy. You probably wake up with a whole list of things to do and you’re not sure where to start. Or you may be someone who jumps right in knocking things off your list.

How do we stay connected to God when our life swirls around us at a rapid pace? How do we keep Him central in our hearts and minds while we live our busy lives? It begins with the first mile. How do you start your day?

Start your first mile of the day quietly, spending a few moments in scripture and prayer. When you begin that first mile with God, your day becomes much easier to navigate.

As Christians, we are in a race of faith. We strive to finish strong with Jesus on the day of salvation. And the best news, we all get to cross the finish line as winners. We get Jesus! Forever! But we all still have to start with the first mile. Our faith can only become strengthened if we seek Jesus daily, in His Word, and in prayer.

In our Christian walk, we must keep our eyes fixed on Jesus. Sin will cling closely trying to burden us down, and being busy is satan’s biggest tool to stall our race. This is why our first mile is so crucial each and every day when we wake up.

Life gets busy, there’s no denying that. Yet, we should have no excuse for not spending time with the Lord. We have time to scroll through social media or watch TV, so why are we “too busy” when it comes to spending time with God?

There are great ways to keep God in your life when you are busy. Read scripture, listen to truths- so many podcasts, Bible readings, and more are available and easy to listen to. Pray throughout the day, pause when you feel overwhelmed, listen to worship music, pray while you’re walking to work, or in the car, or read your Bible, or a Bible verse, when you wake up or are eating a meal. No matter what you choose, start your first mile with Jesus- Matthew 6:33.

BUSY- ‘Being Under Satan’s Yolk’

As we run the daily race let’s not become too busy for Jesus. The extra mile doesn’t mean anything unless you faithfully go the first mile, and when we finish the race, we are met with a crown and salvation forever with Jesus. In our daily lives, in our walk with Jesus, let us not become too busy to spend time with Jesus. He will never be too busy for us, let us never be too busy for Him. Each mile will get easier when we begin the first mile with God.

Purchase Delaina’s book Seeking A Christ Centered Life: Daily Devotions Through Prayer & Scripture here.

This is an updated edition of a post originally published on ConnectWithGodDaily

Featured Image by Jenny Hernandez from Pixabay

The views and opinions expressed by Kingdom Winds Collective Members, authors, and contributors are their own and do not represent the views of Kingdom Winds LLC.

About the Author

Delaina Cischke's desire is to share the love of Jesus and hopefully inspire her readers. She likes to see people smile and try to accomplish good feelings with her work. Hopefully, all her readers will get a blessing when they read anything she has put pen to as it is the Lord who leads in everything she does.

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