Delaina Cischke

The God of Turnabouts

If you are seeking the turnaround, a new season, don’t fold your hands and fall asleep.

The Rabbit Hole

We find ourselves in a network of unending tunnels that just take us deeper and deeper into places we probably shouldn’t go

Beginning Today

Beginning today I will take a moment to step off the beaten path and allow the Lord to reveal things for me to enjoy.

When Life Gives You Lemons

As God used a tree to turn Israel’s bitter water into something sweet, so God will take our bitter or sour and turn it into something sweet.

Lessons From the Christmas Story

We can have peace knowing that the One who guided the star will guide us, no matter our circumstances, to inner peace and a glorious ending.

Thanksgiving Expressed

When we begin to express our gratitude God will reveal His blessings in deeper ways and our hearts will grow closer to Him.


I believe Paul is telling us our deep sense of joy is found in celebrating God’s goodness, salvation, and the blessings He gives.

Happiness Diary

Joy is one of the best gifts God gives us and we can use it to guard our hearts and renew our minds daily.

Joy Vacation

Laughter is a “joy vacation” that God gives us in the midst of our routines, stress, or difficult moments in life.

The First Mile

When you begin that first mile with God, your day becomes much easier to navigate.

Green Thumbs

Plants don’t focus on the weeds around them, they simply face the sun, bathing in the rays and allowing the sun to give them nutrients.

Word, Light, Truth

With Jesus in my life, my life has meaning and purpose, and my existence makes sense.

Connected and Blessed

If you want to stay connected to Jesus, stay connected to the Bible, which is His very Word to us.

A Magnetic God

We have to choose to stay aligned with Jesus and not this world.

God’s Headlights

One of the best ways to learn to follow God’s lighted path and stay on the path is through prayer.

God is In the Waves

Like the water splashes upon the shore, wave after wave, God’s fullness of love gives us grace upon grace.

The Code Book

As Christians, we should have God’s Word so hidden in our hearts that anyone who knows us knows God lives in us.

Walking With God

Everything for a believer rises and falls on their relationship and fellowship with God.

Not Today Satan!

When you are facing lies, fears, hurt, bitterness, attacked, and like the arrows won’t stop coming at you, remember to fight back.


Look to God in faith and He will give you all the refreshment you need.

The Value of Grace

When grace is extended there is room for healing, growth, and new connections.

Focus on the Process

Let God’s process work through you to where your fruits will grow and shine God’s light to others.

Mr. Fix It

Sometimes we all need that voice in our ears to remind us that God can solve life’s problems no matter how big or small.

The 6 Stones of Life- Part 2

We can choose to carry a white stone around in our pockets or purse to remember we have been forgiven and washed clean.

Echo Chamber

Wanting to live your life in an echo chamber, I believe, would become rather mundane and boring.

24 Hour Segments

We need to realize that when we worry, we are forgetting that God has promised to meet all our needs.

A Sealed Door

My Father gave my sheep to me. He is greater than all, and no person can steal my sheep out of my Father’s hand.

Genie in a Bottle

Jesus is not a genie in the bottle, but He is true to His promises to take care of us and provide all we need.

Worship – A Daily Lifestyle

When we take time to worship God, we are saying we value Him above our hobbies, entertainment, friends, spouses, children, etc.

Lost in Translation

When we take time to look around us, we can see God’s speaking to us through His creation.

Can You Go with the Flow?

If we don’t make room for little gray areas in our lives, we will miss the beauty God has set before us.

Power Source

The Word of God will not benefit you unless you tap into its power.

A Path Well Marked

If you have found the path God is leading you on, just remember to stay the course.

Under Water

If you find yourself feeling frazzled and drowning, wondering if you will ever get a break, be still and let God speak to you.


Sometimes it is on cloudy days that we can see the rays of God’s love the most.

Inside the Fire

When trials come, and we feel pressured to give in or are afraid, we can have the hope that Jesus is with us.

Be the Cork

What God intended was for each of us to use the resources and gifts we have been given to influence and show God’s goodness to those around us.

At an Impasse

As long as you’re aligned with Jesus, there are times that allowing another to walk over you at an impasse may be more beneficial than harmful.

The Healing Tree

Today, go for a walk, find a tree and find healing, rest, and maybe even some rejuvenation.

The Finish Line

God sees the entire picture of the entire course ahead of us and knows the best way to navigate us through.

On the Dot

When we color outside the lines, follow a path off the marked path or write off the dotted line we can find ourselves in a place we may not feel safe or in control.

Brush Fires

When we are in communication with Him, He allows us to see how we can be rescued from our circumstances.

Fly Like the Eagles

When we feel ourselves falling out of the air He has promised, “My grace is enough for you.