It’s as if times in prayer are mega-intended these days. As I quietly prayed on October 22, I heard the Lord share several edifying and uplifting words. Some I plan to share in the coming days. But this particular word of warning, or caution was what I was encouraged to share right away.
The Spirit of The Lord said, “Get ready for an epic showdown. I am allowing Leviathan to reveal its ugly head in the coming days ahead. Very few will notice who it is that is speaking, but it will be that old serpent Leviathan. It has one mandate, twist and confine the truth. He’s the king of pride and poverty. I will expose this one in the very seat it is allowed to sit upon. Mighty mighty ones. Begin to pray for the revelation of this one to be exposed without anyone hiding. Leviathan, I call you by name. Be exposed for the times ahead will not include your many lies. I am exposing you!” says the Lord.
Some of you may be asking who or what is Leviathan? Just for context, in the Book of Isaiah, Leviathan is a sea serpent symbolizing Israel’s enemies. In the Book of Job, Leviathan is a fire-breathing crocodile, perhaps personifying an aspect of creation that is beyond human comprehension or control. Leviathan, in Hebrew Livyatan, in Jewish mythology, is a primordial sea serpent. Leviathan is a wicked high-ranking spirit that has been defeated, along with all of its cohorts, on the cross at Calvary!
In the Old Testament, Leviathan appears in Psalms 74:14 as a multiheaded sea serpent that is killed by God and given as food to the Hebrews in the wilderness. The scriptures also highlight one very important fact, Leviathan was created by God— for God. “There is the sea, vast and spacious, teeming with creatures beyond number – living things both large and small. There the ships go to and fro, and the leviathan, which you formed to frolic there.” Psalm 104:25-6
So let me describe the Leviathan spirit. Who is this and what are some of its characteristics?
-This is not a low-level demon. It is a principality that sits at one of the highest seats in the kingdom of darkness. The hierarchy starts with the Jezebel Principality and Python Principality works downward to lower-level demon spirits.
-These Principalities of Leviathan, Jezebel, and Python are difficult to cast out. The person (host) has to truly want deliverance from these three or one of them.
-Leviathan is a mind-binding spirit.
-This principality destroys relationships. “He said, she said” conversations.
-It is a spirit of Pride, with the official strongman as Leviathan.
-This principality twists communications to cause damage and division in relationships.
-The person hearing the voice of Leviathan often disregards the words and intentions of the speaker. They believe the motives of the one speaking are different than the actual words spoken. It makes no difference how something is explained. In their minds, they cannot hear you. They are hearing a twisted version of what is being spoken.
-Persons who either are possessed by or oppressed by a Leviathan spirit often change their minds without informing others. They are typically hopeless. They will behave as if they are the most important person in the world with a “it’s either my way or the highway” type of attitude.
-The Leviathan spirit burrows deep within a person. Again, this is not a low-level demon. It is a principality that blinds. It is so stealth, that it does not want its host to even recognize that it exists. Most times, the person who is being used by Leviathan does not even know! It’s blinding the mind of the person. Awareness is totally gone.
-The person cannot connect to the Holy Spirit. It’s truly difficult for them. They typically behave rebellious, prideful, self-reliant, selfish, manipulative, indispensable, and superior behavior. They put their trust in beings rather than intimacy with God.
-The Leviathan is related to witchcraft. Rebellion is the sin of witchcraft.
-It comes to divide and accuse leadership, friendships, and mentors. It comes into churches and ministries for one purpose. To divide and close down destinies.
-It comes to pin people against one another. It gets between family members’ relationships.
-It hides the truth, hides the meaning of what was really said, and distorts the conversation so no one hears correctly.
It attacks the prophetic word and casts doubt mistrust and suspicion of God’s word.
-It is VERY legalistic and religious. It twists God’s truth and robs of the promise. It operates with a debate mindset. It wants to debate theologically. “I know scripture better than you.” “Who are you to tell me blah blah blah.” Or this one, “Can you give me the scripture reference for that” and the motive behind this particular question is to try to disprove you. They’re in pride, control, and rebellion.
-Self-serving agendas, false confidence, self-seeking, argumentative, debtors, critical, boasting, dishonors authority, condemning, over-boasting of achievements and revelation of scripture for propping up themselves, independent attitude is very evident and turns off even the most humble of persons. They are very condescending towards others.
-This spirit is so blinding that the victim does not know that this particular spirit is in operation. How do you get free? A person must ask the Holy Spirit to search them and to reveal to them anything that is hidden. They must ask the Holy Spirit to unveil their eyes.
Nothing is too difficult for the Lord. Nothing.
Scriptures to read regarding the Leviathan spirit.
Job 41, Job 42, Isaiah 27, Psalm 74, Psalm 104, Proverbs 6
So let’s go mighty Intercessors! We have a mandate from heaven. Pray for this one to be exposed!
Written by Ciara Leilani
This is an updated edition of a post originally published on
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