Evangelism System: Jesus at the Door

Listen in as Putty talks to Scott McNamara about sharing our faith and how that can be both simple and effective.

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In this interview, I talk with Scott McNamara, an evangelist who has developed a simple evangelism system called “Jesus at the Door” that empowers everyone to actively work as what Scott calls a “reaping evangelist.” Of all of the books and systems of evangelism that I’m familiar with, this one is my favorite! What I really like about this system is how reproducible it is; Scott has designed something that has taken one of the most fear-inducing tasks of Christianity (sharing our faith) and has made it simple and effective. In this, his equipping goes beyond motivating people to do more evangelism. He gives a practical tool that makes it accessible to everyone.


Scott’s ministry website is Jesus at the Door, and his book is available for purchase through his website and at amazon.com.

This is an updated edition of a post originally published on Putty Putman

Featured Image by Metin Ozer on Unsplash

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About the Author

Putty Putman is a Kingdom Winds Contributor, as well as an accomplished trainer, author, and speaker. Putty loves to raise people into a conviction of who they are in Christ and release them in the power of the Spirit.

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