9 Tips to Handle Your Grieving Process

Taking our feelings to God helps soften the blow of grief.

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Grieving is one of the most challenging feelings you’ll face in your life. Whether you’ve lost a parent, a marriage, or a friend, you’re likely going to struggle. Nevertheless, it’s possible to get through the grieving process with these healthy habits. 

Express Your Grief 

Expressing your grief is essential during the grieving process. Of course, everyone has different ways of handling their grief. Some people prefer to show their emotions, whereas others prefer to hide them, notes What’s Your Grief?

However, bottling your emotions up can lead to increased feelings of anxiety and loneliness. There’s been a massive change in its attitude toward mental health recently, and many companies have in-house therapists to help employees express their grief.  


Taking our feelings to God helps soften the blow of grief. In prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, take everything to God. Philippians 4:6 Making prayer the focus of your grief recovery can make all the difference in the process.

Start Exercising 

Exercise not only benefits your body but also your mind. If you’ve always avoided exercise, now is a great time to start a routine. Take things slowly at first, and gradually work up to more involved activities. Even taking a walk outdoors is a great way to begin your fitness journey.

Learn a New Hobby 

Everyone has different ways of coping with grief. Some people like to hide inside their house and seclude themselves, which is always a bad idea. However, other people prefer to immerse themselves in a brand-new hobby or pastime. Many people find that when they combine hobbies with spending time outdoors it helps them grieve. 

Keep a Healthy Home

If you’re living in a cluttered and unorganized home, this could exacerbate your stress levels. Ask your family and friends to help you declutter, let in more natural light, and introduce some mood-boosting indoor plants. When your home is a stress-free space, you’ll find it easier to manage your grief.

Accept Your Feelings 

It’s okay to grieve. Grief can bring many raw emotions to the surface, including deep childhood insecurities that destroy your mental health. Regardless of what your grief unearths, accept those emotions. 

Don’t hold in anger, loneliness, or sadness. These are emotions you need to accept. It’s hard to grow until you accept your issues. 

This is where prayer comes into play. Prayer is a powerful way to help in the grieving process. Not only is it an active way to accept your feelings, but you’re also handing matters over to God, who may very well prompt you to take measures like those listed here to both cope with grief and eventually overcome it.

Avoid Burning Out at Work 

It’s so easy to burn yourself out at work, and many employees have reported burnout from working at home. Sadly, burning out at work is common when you’re grieving. 

Here are some tips to avoid burnout:

  • Set boundaries. Tell your company how long you’re willing to work and stick to it. 
  • Rest. Set aside time to rest your mind and soul through meditation, exercise, or hiking.
  • Practice hobbies. Set yourself a specific time every day, night, or week to enjoy your hobbies. 

Heal Your Grief Now 

It can be difficult to relax and unwind when your mind is focused on grieving. But with the tips above, you’ll be able to deal with your sadness and work through the grieving process.

Purchase Heather’s book God Box: Unleashing the Freedom and Wholeness of the Holy Spirit here.


This is an updated edition of a post originally published on Heather Shore

Featured Image by Sasha Freemind on Unsplash

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About the Author

Heather Stone is a writer, speaker, teacher, and host of the Pursuing Redemption Podcast.

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