While there are specific things that always take place in the same seasons every year and the flow of time often tends to repeat things over and over again in this life, recently I heard the Holy Spirit clearly say, “MANY OF MY SONS AND DAUGHTERS ARE HEADING INTO THEIR KAIROS MOMENTS (Appointed Seasons), AND THOSE KAIROS MOMENTS ARE FROM ME!”
These “Kairos Moments” are Supernatural interruptions within the natural realm around us that will potentially have the ability to totally change the course and direction of our lives or the lives of someone else around us.
“For an angel of the Lord went down at APPOINTED SEASONS into the pool and moved and stirred up the water; whoever then first, after the stirring up of the water, stepped in was cured of whatever disease with which he was afflicted.” John 5:4
While the Lord is not affected by time, (because He’s holding it in His hand), He does insert Specific opportunities for each of us to step out of the ordinary existence of the world around us into the Supernatural Timeline of God, thus affecting the outcomes of our lives as well as the lives of others.
The Holy Spirit holds all of creation in His Hands and everything is being held together by the Word of His Power (Colossians 1:16-17), so when the Holy Spirit prompts each of His Sons and Daughters to move in obedience to the Sound of His Voice, we find ourselves entering into one of these “Kairos Moments” from the Lord.
“For we are God’s [own] handiwork (His workmanship), recreated in Christ Jesus, [born anew] THAT WE MAY DO THOSE GOOD WORKS WHICH GOD PREDESTINED (planned beforehand) FOR US [taking paths which He prepared ahead of time], THAT WE SHOULD WALK IN THEM [living the good life which He prearranged and made ready for us to live].” Ephesians 2:10
These Prearrangements are the moments, in our lifetime, that I believe are where God gives us the ability (by Supernatural Power of the Holy Spirit) to speak a Word, Touch A life, Administer a Truth, or Totally Transform a Soul through our obedience, by His Resurrection Power, and operating by the Demonstration of the Holy Spirit coming out of us and into those situations.
As these things are acted on by our obedience to God, Lives Are Touched, Destinies are Released, Giftings and Callings are called forth and people’s lives are Supernaturally Changed forever by the Power of the Holy Spirit.
My prayer for each of God’s Sons and Daughters today is that we would not fail to engage with the Lord as each and every one of these “Kairos” opportunities presents itself, and that as we enter into each one of these Supernatural Interruptions from the Lord, they would lead each of us into even more of these Supernatural Moments from His Hand.
You can choose to live your natural life without ever engaging in a single “Kairos Moment” from God, but you’ll be bypassing the most incredible Destiny that God has set up and planned for your life!
There’s nothing like watching the Holy Spirit touching and changing someone else’s life, right in front of your eyes, as a result of your obedience to what He told you to do at an Appointed Time!
Don’t sidestep your Destiny family! God has Great Exploits for those Who know Him and are called according to His Purposes! When He tells you to Step out in Faith, Don’t Hesitate to step In!!
Featured Image by NoName_13 from Pixabay
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