Wool of Deceit

The enemy has society wrapped in deceit; what some call victory is really defeat.

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Can anything that God says is wrong be okay?

Can anything change God’s “Nay” to a “Yea?” 

Can anything that God forbids become obsolete?

Can anything God has said ever take a back seat?


There are issues some fight so hard to achieve

They outright defy the commands of the King

The enemy has society wrapped in deceit

What some call victory is really defeat


A wolf in sheep’s clothing is his disguise

The wool is covering over so many eyes

Sin is an infectious, debilitating disease

Don’t be fooled; please take serious heed


God is God; we are not

Playing with fire becomes very hot

Sin will never, ever, be okay

It only leads to a life of decay


God set boundaries for our protection

His guide leads away from evil and temptation

God is love and holiness and always knows best

He knows exactly what we’re up against


Everyone wants equal rights 

We all have them in Jesus Christ

Jesus shed His blood to cover our contemptible fall

Everyone is His favorite; He was crucified for all! 


Don’t be misled—you cannot mock the justice of God. You will always harvest what you plant. Those who live only to satisfy their own sinful nature will harvest decay and death from that sinful nature. But those who live to please the Spirit will harvest everlasting life from the Spirit. Galatians 6:7-8


Featured Image by Marek Szturc on Unsplash

Echoes of His Heart

Messages of Hope, Forgiveness, and Freedom






The views and opinions expressed by Kingdom Winds Collective Members, authors, and contributors are their own and do not represent the views of Kingdom Winds LLC.

About the Author

Debbie always had a desire to write a book, but didn’t have a clue as to what the content could be. Children’s books and short stories piqued her interest most. She had dabbled with writing family-oriented poems, off and on over the years, but became overwhelmed with a hunger to write about God and His love in her late fifties. She started seeing God everywhere she looked whether it was in a deck of cards, movie titles, nursery rhymes, popular sayings, flower petals, or a baseball game. She finally realized that prophecy was being fulfilled when one of her sons told her that her poetry glorified God and was meant to be shared. The Lord’s words from an encounter in 2011 immediately returned to her. She had found her own way to speak about God just like He told her she would. Debbie is sharing her poetry in hopes that it will nourish and strengthen souls for the Kingdom of God. She refers to her poetic style as floetry, as it is the move of the Holy Spirit flowing from her heart to another. Her desire to flood the prisons with her book is due to God’s belief in her, and in her belief that no one can cast the first stone, but that everyone can help someone who is in desperate need of a Savior. Please visit Debbie’s Home Page for more information.

  1. Naomi Krstinic says:

    Such a powerful and timely message filled with TRUTH for this hour we are in! Thank you Debbie! Love the anointing and timeliness of this piece!!!

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