Debbie Andrews Smith

The Promise

The Newborn King arrived just as prophecy did say, His mother laid the Sacred One upon the cattle’s hay.

My Encounter with the Divine

I would have missed out on the greatest experience of my life if I hadn’t been sharing my heart with God and given Him something to respond to.

Wool of Deceit

The enemy has society wrapped in deceit; what some call victory is really defeat.


My life was distorted and full of compromise before I captured the fullness of life in Christ.


This enemy brainwashes, but it’s not a cleansing kind; it’s contaminated, it’s twisted and justifies the mind.

Chosen Instrument

As snakes shed their covering to produce new growth, scales fell from his eyes, and he was filled with the Holy Ghost.


Jesus is the Savior and the Lover of our souls!

Outstretched Arms

How wide would you open your arms if someone asks how much you love the Lord?

Guiding Light

The Light of the World has come to give us new life and He sends the Holy Spirit as our guiding light.

Spiritual Suicide

Deception started in the Garden and is still at work today. The one who was cunning then still leads mankind astray.

The Trading Post

Jesus sacrificed His holiness to be the offering to cleanse our soul.

He Took the Stand

Jesus insured security the day He died upon a tree

Oh, what a Savior we have in Jesus Christ!

Just Not That Into You

I pray the distractions that once pushed You aside

will become less important in our daily lives

and that the things we choose to fill our days

will be things that please You and bring You praise

Love Letter

You anxiously await their response—

Will they care what you have to say?

The Promise

The Newborn King arrived just as prophecy did say
His mother laid the Sacred One upon the cattle’s hay
As much as Mary longed to hold her newborn Son
she placed Him in a manger as a sign for everyone

Seek His Face

We discover the truest meaning of love
when we find the One who was sent from above
We are magnetically drawn to His grace and His peace
We’re enamored by the greatness of the One who sets us free

Selfless King

Jesus took the time to pray for us before He was betrayed
and then He sacrificed His holy life to take our sins away

The Puzzle

There were no gaps—Jesus filled in each space
His blood was shed so that sin could be forgiven and erased
His holy sacrifice was the piece enabling removal of our sin
Does your puzzle include Jesus? He included you in His!


Do you need to extend forgiveness
to someone who has caused you harm?
Do you need to open up your heart?
Do you need to open up your arms?


It’s when I finally ran to Him in my weakness 
that He strengthened and delivered me 
He parted the Red Sea for the Israelites
and He made an escape for me


His holy footsteps guide us to the Father’s throne
They illuminate the path that takes us safely home
Do you know the One who says, “Come, Follow Me?”
If not, I encourage you to accept Jesus as your Lord and King

He’s Coming Back

It may not be tomorrow, but it’s a fact He’s coming back
The folded cloth left in His tomb meant exactly that
The Master will return; the King is very near
Are you ready for the day when Jesus Christ appears?

He Loves Me

Jesus displayed the depth of His love
by taking our sins and making them His
Can you feel the love in His sacrifice?
There is no love greater than this

Home Run

The Heaviest Hitter that has ever scored
will be announced with a trumpet’s horn
The Greatest Comeback there ever will be
is the Return of Christ, the King of all Kings

Lifetime Sentence

I’ve paid my debt to society
I’ve done the time for my crime
but so many people still hold this debt
with a lifetime sentence over my head


Justice declares that you are valued in His sight
as His heavenly court makes each of your wrongs right
Jesus is your Judge, your Jury, and your very Best Friend
He is Powerful, He is Magnificent—He is the Great I AM

My Encounter with the Divine

Within minutes, and much to my surprise, I received an audible response to a prayer I had just prayed. My desire to be used for His glory and His Will became one—His presence surrounded me! The God of Creation spoke my name, acknowledged that He heard me, and promised that blessings would come.