We must get to the bottom of what happened that fateful night of November third, 2020. Finding out what happened, and how it happened, is our highest challenge and duty. We cannot just let this go. There is no option. We cannot escape and we cannot retreat from this sacred task. America’s future rests in uncovering and defeating this great evil. Your vote will never matter if we do not do this. But I believe in miracles.
I believe that God is going to do it in a way that no man can claim the credit. Rehearsing the impossibility will heighten the miracle. Look at the evil they have done.
Time Magazine admitted that the Left rigged the election to defeat President Trump. No wonder millions feel their votes will never matter again.Link
Will your vote ever matter again in America? That is the question few are willing to face, let alone answer. I will do both in this blog.
There is a clear but narrow path to restoring our elections. Believe it or not, the American church is the key. But I believe God must do a deep work in us in order for us to step up to our duty and our destiny.
Believe it or not, the Church is the key.
We must face the fury. There is a reason Democrats and the Left have unleashed their fury on those who doubt the results of the election. They had to ban us. They had to use a scorched-earth attack on people like Mike Lindell, Sidney Powell, Rudy Giuliani, and anyone else who, to any degree, claimed there was fraud.
The swift and vicious censorship by Facebook, YouTube, Twitter, and Google had nothing to do with protecting the nation. It was shock and awe, designed to prevent anyone from uncovering the truth.
But the army of God must face their fury. We must dig deep and find the emotional miracle of God’s grace in order to hold our ground. It is a withering attack. That is why some voices who had formerly declared victory, faltered near the finish line.
Now they face a new agony. But you must not falter.
You must be wrapped in the revelation of what is at stake! This is not just about vindicating Trump—this is about your freedom—this is about your children’s freedom. So, how do we face the fury?
I found some promises in the Bible that are amazing and, at the same time, eerie. They seem like they were written to American believers, fighting to expose the fraud.
These verses instruct us to be trained and to remain calm as God works to bring justice:
“Blessed is the man whom You instruct, O Lord, and teach out of Your law, that You may give him rest from the days of adversity until the pit is dug for the wicked” (Psalm 94:12, 13).
Take a close look at why these promises are so perfect for the righteous who are seeking justice in this corrupt moment.
God is digging a ditch.
It is telling you that God is training you. It is telling you that this training will keep you calm in the waiting period that might otherwise grind you down. Then the passage concludes with this awe-inspiring revelation: God is digging a ditch.
God is digging a ditch. Do you realize how important it was for Trump’s victory to be delayed? It was necessary to uncover the magnitude of the evil in our government. Had Trump just waltzed into a second term, he would have been paralyzed by the Deep State and the Swamp. He would have had people around him he only thought were on his side. Now, at least, we have the big picture. We see the mass network of corruption that is made up of both Democrats and Republicans.
God is digging a ditch! It is taking longer than we had hoped it would because we need a ditch big enough to hold this entire web of deceit. But God wants you to remain calm during the digging.
The plot will be uncovered.
That is the story of Esther. But another story is much closer to our situation. It is found in Nehemiah 4:14-15, “And I looked, and arose and said to the nobles, to the leaders, and to the rest of the people, “Do not be afraid of them. Remember the Lord, great and awesome, and fight for your brethren, your sons, your daughters, your wives, and your houses.” And it happened when our enemies heard that it was known to us and that God had brought their plot to nothing, that all of us returned to the wall, everyone to his work.”
Here we see the man of God speaking courage and firing up the morale of discouraged warriors. Then he praises God for the miracle of uncovering the plot.
These are days we must use to press into God. These are days when special vessels will rise with special gifts to save souls, heal the sick, and reveal the evil. Chosen voices will be given secret information that will turn the tables. God, Himself will judge the corruption.
We are on our way to a day when our vote will count and elections will again be free and fair. It is coming!
This is an updated edition of a post originally published on Mario Murillo Ministries.
Featured Image by JamesDeMers from Pixabay
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