Do you have room for God?
WHERE CAN I FALL? So many cry out for more of God, but if it had to happen, they would not have any room for it. You ask and do not receive, because you ask amiss, that you may spend what you receive on your pleasures with the world and not with the Spirit that dwells within you. [James 4:3-5] God is not holding back His Spirit from moving on His people. REVIVAL has already been sent. God has heard your prayers, and He has sent His answer. Holy Spirit is hovering over many homes, churches, and nations right now looking for a place to land! BUT honestly ask yourself:… ‘If the fire of God’s revival would come today… would it be welcome or inconvenient to me?’
I heard God say:
“ARE YOU REVIVAL READY? YOU’RE ASKING FOR MIRACLES & REVIVALS… BUT WHERE CAN I FALL? WHERE CAN I DWELL? WHERE CAN WE SUP TOGEHTER? [Revelations 3:20] IS THERE A PLACE FOR ME TO DO WHAT YOU ASK IN YOUR BUSY LIFE? Do you have time for Me? Do you gather with Me? Do you have a foundation for My Glory to land on?
You try to fit Me into your “church-space”, your “worship-box” and your “God-time”, but you’ve already reduced that to almost nothing.
You pray: “God come move powerfully on my life! Let Your presence fall, heal my body, bless my family, work miracles for me, and use me!!!” Then you say: “I’ll give You what I’ve got left. I’ll squeeze You into Sunday morning when I can. Hopefully, You can do something with that. I’ll give you a few spare minutes on my way to ‘important things’. Sorry, God that’s all I have for You. NOW SEND REVIVAL!”
But how can I answer such a prayer? You’ve made no ROOM FOR ME to answer it! You have no room for Me! You have too many other priorities that cannot be moved. You give Me hardly any time, place, or attention. When last did you sit with Me, and just Me? How long has it been since you actually worshipped until you encountered Me? If I moved today, would it be an inconvenience to you? How small have you made the place I have in your life?
Honestly tell Me… WHERE CAN I FALL? Do you have any room for Me to move?”
If the fire of God’s revival should fall today… many would not step into it because their lives would be too full, stuffed, and cluttered with other stuff. We cannot keep praying for revival fires and great awakenings without sending some stuff packing and clearing away our idols. I firmly believe God is not holding back His generous and powerful Spirit from moving on His people at this time… but if we truly want a move of God, many of us will need to MAKE MUCH MORE ROOM FOR HIM!!! That means…
Some stuff will have to go! Some things will need to make way!
People genuinely say: “Lord, we want You to move!“… HERE IS THE PROBLEM… what they mean is when it’s convenient, easy, and cheap! BUT… What if God wants to move an hour after the service was due to end, or after 12pm at night, or on Monday, or on a weeknight, or in a fast, or in an early morning prayer meeting… or when you’re tired and it is cold? What if He is waiting for you to show up, buy-in, invest, or sacrifice? What if He is waiting for you to say: “Father I am pushing in… I am hungry… I am not going to leave here until You touch me! I will pray, contend and worship for as long as it takes! My hunger for YOU is relentless and so will I be!”
Are you serious about more of God in your life or is it just something you say? Because -IF YOU BELIEVE IN SOMETHING YOU MAKE ROOM FOR IT! You push into it! You contend for it! You fight for it! You will sow into it! You wait for it! You stay until it comes! You say:- ‘Whatever it takes… however long it takes… whenever… however… HERE I AM WAITING!!!… there is no way I WILL MISS IT!’
The LORD is near to all who call upon Him, listening closely, especially when their hearts are true. [Psalm 145:18] The bible says HEAVEN RESPONDS TO HUNGER AND THIRST! … and God draws near to those who draw near to HIM! [James 4:8] God’s presence is always available to you if you’re willing to take time and effort to seek Him. Jesus said that when we put first the Kingdom of God and His righteousness THEN all these other things will find a good home in the right place and right time in our life. [Matthew 6:33]
In this busy world full of distractions, idols, and self-pleasuring: – A move of God would be a hassle, nuisance, and disturbance to many! Could this be why it’s not happening? The wicked man does not seek God; in all his thoughts he has NO ROOM for God. [Psalm 10:4]
The simple truth of Christian spirituality is that God longs to fill whatever space we make available to Him. Do you have room in your life for God’s answers to your prayer to land?
I wonder what would happen if today people would humble themselves, REPENT, and pray until something happens? [2 Chronicle 7:14] — You will seek me and find me, when you seek me with all your heart. [Jeremiah 29:13]
What would it take for you to be REVIVAL READY?
This is an updated edition of a post originally published on NicoSmit
Featured Image by StockSnap from Pixabay
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