I found this old quote in my Past Musings file today. For some reason, it leaped off the page at me and I heard the Lord saying, “SEE THIS!” With such an intriguing intro it would have been hard for me not to read on and hear what the Lord is saying – wouldn’t it?
“Where are the men and women who carry the mantle for revival? Who carry the presence of Jesus? Who carry the fire of Holy Spirit revival? Where is the Glory Cloud of God’s presence? His Holy Spirit fire? Oh hallelujah, God is moving on His people TODAY !!” Nothing I haven’t said a few times before, so I asked the Lord for a bit more clarity.
We have just been through two years of repression and fear-mongering. We’ve just had to endure all sorts of restrictions in our church, in our social life, in everything really. “But now”, says the Lord, “I’m preparing to send My Spirit in power and I’m looking for those prepared to open their doors wide for Him to enter in! So let Me ask again – Where are the men and women who carry the mantle for revival? Who carry the presence of Jesus? Who carry the fire of Holy Spirit revival? Where is the Glory Cloud of God’s presence? His Holy Spirit fire?”
“I’m looking but I’m not finding many. There’s not many who will pay the price for carrying revival, for stewarding revival, for giving up everything for revival! There’s not many will put in the prayer time, will walk the extra mile, will do whatever is needed to help – be it organizing meetings, or making a cup of tea, or persuading the homeless addict to come to the meeting!”
The Lord is asking, “Do you love with My love? Do you walk with My intent? Can you endure the taunts, the mockery, and derision that will come your way from those who oppose you? If you can then come to Me, receive the mantle of revival, and walk with Me as we show the world My power and My love. Walk with the lost as they seek Me. Walk with the bound as they seek My freedom. Walk with the saved as they find new depth, new meaning in Me! Pray with the last, the least, and the lost. Pray with the sick, the damaged, and the abandoned.”
“You have a meme pinned in many churches – “Love God, Love People”! Yes, love people in all their mess, love them like I love them – unconditionally! Even those who hate you and would destroy you – love them with My eternal love!”
“This is the cost of revival. This is what I’m asking of you!” says the Lord. Who will answer His call?
A little later on, the Lord asked me, “Why do you think I ask all these questions?”, then without waiting for my answer, the Lord continued, “It is because of the revival you have prayed for, the revival you have longed for, the revival promised in My Word – it is started, and the way and speed it will develop will be helped and encouraged by the attitude of My people towards such a revival.”
I have been shown proof, which I am not yet free to discuss, of the amazing impact of young people on this move. We older ones will play an amazing role in mentoring, teaching, and facilitating the experience of revival, but the younger generation will lead it. They will drive it, they will give it incredible momentum, and they will sustain it, but my generation will be the bridle and bit that controls and guides these young warriors.
I see whole schools, whole cities, whole countries affected by a holiness movement led by young people, even teenagers and younger! This is why they will need the steadying and quietening influence of an older, more experienced generation teaching them as they encourage them. This is God’s blueprint for revival over the next few years!
Oh hallelujah, God is moving on His people TODAY!
Featured Image by Chris Stenger from Pixabay
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