When to Talk About Health Issues

We want to ask for prayer or share a praise request with those closest to us, that’s part of friendship.

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When discussing our health, we tend to focus on ourselves and usually don’t share the conversation with someone else. What should we do? How do we solve this issue? There are three key settings where we should prioritize discussing our health. 


Three Places to Share Your Concerns 


We must tell the doctor about our symptoms and how they affect us. They need clear information to be able to help us.


Another place we want to share with our husbands. When we’re not feeling well, it’s essential to let them know and tell them if we need something. Remember, though, there is a difference between sharing a need and simply complaining. No one wants to hear a continual grump.


We want to ask for prayer or share a praise request with those closest to us, that’s part of friendship. But I’m learning to report back on the praises of what God did through medicine and surgeries that helped me heal. We can also share the pure joy of a good day even if we aren’t all the way better.

How to Answer the Question “How Are You Doing?”

What do we do when someone not from the three groups mentioned above asks how we are doing? Do you go into detail about what has been happening? Or do we come up with something else to say?

My response stems from what the Army called a Need to Know. This group of acquaintances doesn’t have a need to know. 

For these people, I find it most productive to give a positive answer about what I see God doing. Appropriate answers would be “I’m doing great” or “God’s doing beautiful things in my life, and I’m getting better.”

Then, I follow up with a question to redirect the conversation back to them. 

“How are you doing or what’s happening in your life? It gets us focused back on the other person. That’s how we become women of influence. We show our interest in different people. 

Give all your worries and cares to God, for He cares for you.  ~ 1 Peter 5:7

This is an updated edition of a post originally published on Joyce Zook

Featured Image by Juan Manuel Cortés from Pixabay

The views and opinions expressed by Kingdom Winds Collective Members, authors, and contributors are their own and do not represent the views of Kingdom Winds LLC.

About the Author

Joyce Zook is an award-winning author, international speaker, and Board Certified Advanced Christian Life and Marriage Coach. She is a weekly video blogger and the author of 12 Keys for Marriage Success, Priorities for Life, and God and Your Closet. Joyce speaks, teaches, and coaches women to love their lives and their marriages while creating success and balance. In the last twenty years, her ministry has grown with the help of the internet, telephones, and video conferences to reach people across the United States and in foreign countries.

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