Can I Change My Marriage by Myself
Trying to get along with our mates without the necessary information is like building a house without the architectural diagrams.
Trying to get along with our mates without the necessary information is like building a house without the architectural diagrams.
This simple shift in perspective can transform your life, filling it with hope and optimism.
We want to ask for prayer or share a praise request with those closest to us, that’s part of friendship.
If we have something important to say, there will be time to say it.
We choose to support our husbands as their best friends and lovers.
While accurate details may be necessary in a court of law, they generally don’t matter in casual conversations with friends.
Allowing God to manage our lives opens the door for His joy and peace.
We are not our husbands’ holy spirits, and it’s not our job to change our husbands’ beliefs.
It’s hard to know how to declutter stuff with our emotions tied to it.
We often leave ourselves out of the equation when we plan our busy schedules and don’t put ourselves on our calendars.
Frequent disagreements tore us apart emotionally and destroyed the closeness we once felt.
Look for the good and excellent qualities in your man.
When and where we connected changed as the kids grew.
The Lord tells us to follow His example by accepting our husbands without making them act as we want.
We think we’ll find the perfect house, get our dream job, and our friends will always like us. But life takes work.
Establishing appropriate boundaries about our space as a couple teaches kids to honor us and respect marriage.
Adding one routine at a time will help us build homes where we can relax, refresh, and recharge.
Let’s prove our acceptance of our husbands and stop trying to change them.
We often blame our guys for our nagging because they didn’t respond to our request or didn’t do it when we wanted it done.
Set realistic goals, keeping in mind your work schedule.
God gives us challenging tasks, forcing us to rely on Him to complete them.
Whenever my thoughts race out of control, I claim the promises to focus on the truth again.
I needed to function again and not feel paralyzed by hearing the repeated stories of the incident.
The Bible says to leave our pasts behind and create a new identity as we unite with our husbands.
God says we find peace and refreshment in our fast-paced world through Him.
Learning how to live with pain.
God never lies and always has our best interests at heart.
Your husband can’t meet all your needs. Only God can do that!
Simple ways to promote friendships in your life.
Help for when you want to answer “no.”
I struggle and find I’m dissatisfied with the physical limitations God gave me.
The Holy Spirit talks to us all day, urging us to do God’s will with God’s nudges. Yet we usually ignore Him.
We will turn our lives around when we consciously decide to think about the truth and biblically-based options.
With practice, I trained my mind to listen for the Lord’s voice and not the accusers.
Following God’s priorities, I found peace and confidence by focusing on what God wants.
Our phones are magnificent communication tools, yet they hinder our relationships with those closest to us.
Navigating life balance while working from home.
The words coming from our mouths possess tremendous power.
I laid it at the feet of Jesus and watched to see what He did.
People who find the good in their circumstances shine like a beacon drawing others and leading the way.