Joyce Zook

Love Is Not a Know It All

While accurate details may be necessary in a court of law, they generally don’t matter in casual conversations with friends.

Accept Him as He Is

The Lord tells us to follow His example by accepting our husbands without making them act as we want.

Bedroom Boundaries

Establishing appropriate boundaries about our space as a couple teaches kids to honor us and respect marriage.

Why Do We Nag?

We often blame our guys for our nagging because they didn’t respond to our request or didn’t do it when we wanted it done. 

Temptation to Quit

God gives us challenging tasks, forcing us to rely on Him to complete them. 

Meddling In-Laws

The Bible says to leave our pasts behind and create a new identity as we unite with our husbands.

God Made Me Wrong

I struggle and find I’m dissatisfied with the physical limitations God gave me.

Follow Your God Nudges

The Holy Spirit talks to us all day, urging us to do God’s will with God’s nudges. Yet we usually ignore Him.

Declutter Your Thoughts

We will turn our lives around when we consciously decide to think about the truth and biblically-based options.

I’m Not Enough

With practice, I trained my mind to listen for the Lord’s voice and not the accusers.

Creating No Phone Zones

Our phones are magnificent communication tools, yet they hinder our relationships with those closest to us.