How to Prevent Burnout

Navigating life balance while working from home.

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As a coach for women who are or want to be entrepreneurs, I get asked how to get the business done during our busy days. But, unfortunately, no one seems to feel like they have enough time. 


 How to Prevent Burnout When You Work from Home

  1. Work in short bursts of time. Concentrate on a task for 30-45 minutes, then take a break. You’ll get more done.
  2. Handle email once a day. Touch it once, do something with it, then let it go.
  3. Call to clarify and solidify details. Don’t text or email back and forth with a confusing message. Call!
  4. Delegate routine tasks.  Hire a Virtual Assistant when you can afford it, delegate to the kids, or ask your husband to help.
  5. Manage your social media. Set aside thirty minutes to an hour on your workdays to post and interact with your social media. 
  6. Get regular exercise. Many jobs require a lot of sitting, so getting up and moving is crucial. Exercise go for a walk or even clean the house.
  7. Stop and take a break. Take a twenty to thirty-minute break to clear your mind and sort the urgent from what’s important tasks.

Whatever you do, work at it as unto the Lord, not for human masters. ~ Colossians 4:23

Have you dreamed of having your business but need someone to walk you through the process? I’ve helped women with all types of home-based businesses create success. 


This is an updated edition of a post originally published on Joyce Zook

Featured Image by Conor Sexton on Unsplash

The views and opinions expressed by Kingdom Winds Collective Members, authors, and contributors are their own and do not represent the views of Kingdom Winds LLC.

About the Author

Joyce Zook is an award-winning author, international speaker, and Board Certified Advanced Christian Life and Marriage Coach. She is a weekly video blogger and the author of 12 Keys for Marriage Success, Priorities for Life, and God and Your Closet. Joyce speaks, teaches, and coaches women to love their lives and their marriages while creating success and balance. In the last twenty years, her ministry has grown with the help of the internet, telephones, and video conferences to reach people across the United States and in foreign countries.

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