This year, the Lord will reveal the meaning of the following verses in an obvious way, “No human wisdom or understanding or plan can stand against the Lord. The horses are prepared for the day of battle, but the victory belongs to the Lord” (Proverbs 21: 30-31).
There are two kinds of wisdom, heavenly and earthly. The wisdom of heaven will seem like foolishness to those who have created their battle plan from earth-bound wisdom. God’s wisdom will be mocked at first, and when it becomes too influential, it may even be censored.
Both sides of any issue prepare their horses for battle. These horses are not flesh and blood, but earthly alignments, agreements, or even legal force used to bring about their idea of what a victory looks like. Do all you can to support and contend for what is right and just in God’s eyes. That is our battle line.
In a battle, when it seems like the outcome is uncertain, do not forget the words that come from heaven’s wisdom, “The victory belongs to the Lord.” God’s purposes and His battle plan are powerful and supernatural. They will never fail us. We fight from a place of our freedom in Christ, never from a place of desperation. That freedom is what empowers our weapons of war.
This is an updated edition of a post originally published on Garris Elkins
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