What About the Other 11 – Part 2

Even if we begin to fall or it doesn’t go as planned, the Captain of the sea will not let us go under.

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Isaiah 41:13, “I am the Lord your God, who holds your right hand, and I tell you, ‘Don’t be afraid. I will help you.’”

There is no one on earth who won’t have a sinking spell here and there. We will take our eyes off Jesus. But when we do, all we have to say is, ‘Lord save me’ and He is right there pulling you back up. You can trust Jesus to get you through.

It’s time we all got out of the boat.

There are so many comfortable where they’re at. They’re comfortable in their normalcy, independence, worry, and rebellion. We are all comfortable in something, but God is saying, ‘Come, get out of your comfort zone. Get out of the routine. Stop sticking to tradition and make a move.’

We can be like the 11 and stay in the boat out of fear, or forget what the naysayers say and, like Peter, do what God tells us to do.

Anybody can stay in the boat. It takes a person of faith and courage willing to obey God to do what He asks in the midst of all those against you. God wants to help you do the impossible, but it requires you to get out of the boat.

We serve a God who will help us walk on water. He will help you in your job, He will empower you in your ministry. He will help you in your marriage, raising your children. He will help you achieve dreams and goals, but you must get out of the boat.

You will face challenges; you will have issues. Things may feel tight or unsolvable. We have the promise that as long as we’re with Jesus, He will make a way just as Jesus stretched out His hand and pulled Peter out of the water.

There will always be reasons and fears keeping us in the boat. There will always be someone calling us crazy. We still need to get out of the boat. Even if we begin to fall or it doesn’t go as planned, the captain of the sea will not let us go under. Even when we seem faithless, Jesus remains faithful.

Like Peter, we will take our eyes off Jesus, even if only for a moment, but notice, Jesus never took His eyes off Peter. The good news we have today is, that like Peter, Jesus will never take His eyes off of you. He will always be right there to immediately pull you back up from drowning when not if; when you put your faith and trust in Him! Your faith may go up and down, in and out of every moment of every day, but Jesus saves. Great faith, little faith, Jesus saves.

You may wonder where Jesus is when you’re in the middle of the storms. Look what the Bible says. Before Jesus walked on water, He was watching over the disciples. He may not come the minute you want Him to come, but He’s always on time. Sometimes it may take a little time because He wants you to learn something in the storm that you may not learn if you weren’t in a storm, but He is still watching over you the entire time. Know that even if you feel you can’t handle it, Jesus’ walking on water shows us, He can handle the storms and He will, when the time is right to calm the storms. Jesus doesn’t send the storms to drown you; He sends them to teach us what is possible when we keep our eyes on Jesus. Sometimes it’s in the storms we learn more about God, including having faith in Him and trusting Him.

When you step out of the boat, you realize that Jesus is all you have. You can’t learn about Jesus by sitting in the boat. You learn when you step out of the boat. You’ll never learn that Jesus is all you need until He’s all you’ve got.

Jesus knows what’s going on in your life. Jesus knows what’s in your future. So, there will be storms you will have to face. The Bible tells us Jesus sent His disciples on ahead, knowing a storm was coming. In the storm the disciples may have prayed, Jesus, where are you? Why haven’t you shown up? Are you in a storm right now? Have you called out to God, asking the same question? In your storms have you been fearful, thinking God has abandoned you?

The Bible says, in the storm, Jesus saw them. He knew what was going to happen. Like the disciples, Jesus is already ahead in your life, He knows the curveballs you’ll be facing, and His eyes are on you. He knows where you are and when it’s time to step in. The Bible tells us in the fourth hour, Jesus stepped in. We may have to ride out the storm for hours, but Jesus will come to pull us through.

Peter began to sink because he looked beyond his control. Could some of us be doing the same today? Are there some of us who look at circumstances in our life beyond our control? Are you letting the winds frighten you and you can’t do anything about it? Have you taken your eyes off of Jesus, looking at the circumstances and trusting anything other than Jesus?

When we trust anything other than Jesus, we are sure to fail. Faith is focusing on Jesus. In good times and in the storms, keep your eyes on Jesus. Let’s all be like Peter and not the other 11 disciples. When Jesus says, ‘Come,’ no matter our fears, step off the boat


This is an updated edition of a post originally published on ConnectWithGodDaily

Featured Image by Roberto H on Unsplash

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About the Author

Delaina Cischke's desire is to share the love of Jesus and hopefully inspire her readers. She likes to see people smile and try to accomplish good feelings with her work. Hopefully, all her readers will get a blessing when they read anything she has put pen to as it is the Lord who leads in everything she does.

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