Water Snake or Dragon?

David knew that the Lord was with him, so what should he fear?!

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Psalm 104 is one of my favorites.

It speaks to the absolute majesty of God over all of His creation.


1 Bless the Lord, O my soul! 

O Lord my God, You are very great:

You are clothed with honor and majesty,

2 Who cover Yourself with light as with a garment,

Who stretch out the heavens like a curtain.

3 He lays the beams of His upper chambers in the waters,

Who makes the clouds His chariot,

Who walks on the wings of the wind.

4 Who makes His angels spirits, His ministers a flame of fire.

5 You who laid the foundations of the earth,

So that it should not be moved forever,

6 You covered it with the deep as with a garment;

The waters stood above the mountains.


Is that not breathtaking?

It goes on and only gets more beautiful. I highly encourage you to read it all. But what gave me pause tonight was verse 26.

26 There the ships sail about; there is that Leviathan which You have made to play there. 



Leviathan you made to play there?

Sounds more like Puff The Magic Dragon than…Satan?

The psalmist who wrote this beautiful poetry is believed to be David.

David who killed lions.

David who killed bears.

David who fought Goliath.

David who fought the Amalekites, Ammonites, Edomites, and the Moabites.

David was not new to war.

David was a warrior.

David didn’t tremble at the thought of Leviathan.

Just like with Goliath, David confidently declared, “The Lord that delivered me out of the paw of the lion, and out of the paw of the bear, he will deliver me out of the hand of this Philistine” (1 Samuel 17:37).

David knew that the Lord was with him, so what should he fear?!

David didn’t see a dragon.

David didn’t see all the forces of darkness.

David saw a water snake. 

“Go ahead little buddy, swim among the merchant ship. Have fun, ’cause when my God says you’re done…you’re done.



So that begs the question….

Are you fighting a dragon or a water snake?

We aren’t fighting for victory, my friends.

We are fighting FROM VICTORY.

Shift your vision.

Eyes off the water snake, and back on the Face of God.

Ps…fun fact. Water snakes aren’t even deadly. They just look scary.

Water snakes are afraid of YOU.



To learn more about Heidi and her Kingdom passion, visit Kingdom Come Home

Featured Image by Eliza from Pixabay

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About the Author

Heidi is the founder of  Kingdom Come Home a brand infused with love. Love for Jesus, love for people, and a burning passion for His word. We desire our company to assist in reaching all nations with the Gospel. We offer lifestyle options for God's people that align with biblical principles.

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