Wanting Jesus

If you don’t want Jesus in the valley, you also won’t want Him on the mountaintop.

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I can’t buy people into the kingdom.

I can give them every penny I have, but it won’t make them want Jesus.

I know because I have tried.

If they could just see THE GOODNESS of Jesus they would want him!

But often they don’t.

Not all, but many.

Many simply wanted the money I offered in His name.

They keep coming back for more.

And more.

And more.

Not more Jesus.

More money.

It becomes an expectation.

You will deal with this a lot in ministry.

Especially if your ministry is in impoverished areas riddled with addiction.

It’s utterly disappointing some days.

Not all days.

Today was a hard day.

It’s been a hard few weeks if I’m being honest.

It will make your heart cold and bitter if you let it.

I have to remind myself of two things.…

Jesus healed 9 lepers and only one came back.

We are always looking for the one.

And sometimes you have to say….

Acts 3:6

6 Then Peter said, Silver and gold have I none; but such as I have give I thee: In the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth rise up and walk.

I am learning many new things in my walk with Jesus.

Hard things.

Holy things.

Heart things.

Boundary things.

Wisdom things.

If you don’t want Jesus in the valley, you also won’t want Him on the mountaintop.

It’s a hard pill to swallow when you realize you can’t buy someone into salvation.

The best of my fleshly intentions can leave me with a lot of disappointment.

Sometimes the best thing and only thing you can give someone is a hot meal, a Bible, and prayer.

And love.

Love is free.

I am believing tomorrow will be a better day.

Send “the one” Jesus.



To learn more about Heidi and her Kingdom passion, visit Kingdom Come Home

Featured Image by Zongnan Bao on Unsplash

The views and opinions expressed by Kingdom Winds Collective Members, authors, and contributors are their own and do not represent the views of Kingdom Winds LLC.

About the Author

Heidi is the founder of  Kingdom Come Home a brand infused with love. Love for Jesus, love for people, and a burning passion for His word. We desire our company to assist in reaching all nations with the Gospel. We offer lifestyle options for God's people that align with biblical principles.

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