Waiting in Silence

Today be thankful in the silence and allow the Warrior Lion to roar and perform. 

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I’ve been sitting in silence for the past four days, surrendering my will for His.  Allowing God to perform as I trust and wait with him.”

In the silence, I heard, “I’ve got this, trust me and I will perform.”  

I saw myself standing with Jesus holding his hand, we were cornered, nowhere to go.  

The earth started to quake under our feet. I could feel the earth pounding, vibrating the bones in my feet like a tuning fork.  I stood in silence, thinking what is that?”

Jesus proclaimed, “the enemy’s chariots are upon us.”   

In the silence, I thought, “what are we going to do?”

Again Jesus announced, “Stand in Silence and wait for me to perform.”

As I stood next to Jesus I realized I was bound in chains and a lock was hanging from my chest.  

Jesus declared, “I am setting the captives free from oppression to live out the life I planned for them.  

Jesus became a roaring lion as he stood next to me.  A Warrior Lion.  He roared, “Victory! Victory!  Victory!”  

Stand in silence with me and allow God to perform, thank him for who He is and what he is doing, He is the Great I Am.  What does that mean?

It means He is Omnipotent, it’s who he is not what he does.  He is All-Powerful, No plan, No nation, No power can stand against Omnipotent.  

It means He is Omnipresent, it’s who he is not where he is.  Always Present.  Time bows to Omnipresent, There is nothing that can slow him down or make him rush,  He knows the times and the seasons because He is present, always present.  He knows the outcome, He’s already there; he never late, never. 

It means He is Omniscient, all-knowing, nothing surprises him, he knows in advance, he has always known.  He knows the plans of the enemy, Omniscient is who he is.  

Today be thankful in the silence and allow the Warrior Lion to roar and perform.  Stand and wait in his presence, allowing his power to bring victory and be confident that He knows, He knows everything, It’s who he is. 

Jesus has the key in his hand to unlock what holds the church back.  

Merry Christmas = Christ Celebration; celebrating Christ




Featured Image by Guy Roberts on Unsplash

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About the Author

William Cuccia is a Kingdom Winds Contributor who loves to write what he hears when he listens in the quiet moments.

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