Wait On God

Be like Peter who was eager and willing to step out of the boat to follow Jesus.

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I have a prophetic word for so many in the body of Christ today. In this season, you are not waiting on God, God is waiting on you! I believe the phrase, “Wait on God” is one of the most misused phrases we hear from believers. In my many years in ministry, I’ve seen many people completely miss out on opportunities to advance the Kingdom of God and step into their destiny by using the excuse, “I’m just waiting on God.”

Unfortunately, many times lovers of God hesitate when they should step out in faith because they are caught up in waiting for everything in the natural to be perfectly in place before they take that leap of faith. Waiting on God is not the same as sitting idle! Waiting on the Lord is much more active and requires each of us to step out of the boat onto the water before we know what the outcome will be. Our faith should not be in the outcome but in the prophetic words, God has given us. Step out on the words God has given you and know that He will never let you down!

It is important to always seek the Lord and the leading of the Holy Spirit in major directional life-changing decisions. But it is just as important that we do not to sit idle when God is looking for someone who will just simply step out in faith. Many times we think we are waiting on God but He is actually just waiting on us to step out in the direction that we already know He is calling us to. When you are led by the Holy Spirit and you know His voice then you should be able to easily navigate your life. If we will walk closely with the Lord then we will know what He wants us to do before the door of opportunity opens. The Bible says that we must be ready in season and out of season. The way that we stay ready is by daily spending that private time with God.

In this season, God is looking for those who know His voice, who know the leading of His spirit, who can step out on the prophetic words He has given to them, and those that are ready to go after all that He has for them. Are you prepared for what you are praying for? When God opens a door, He will use those that are ready to run through those open doors. Don’t miss another opportunity because your flesh is trying to talk you out of the breathtaking purpose God has for you. To prosper in this hour you need to be able to discern between the Holy Spirit and your flesh. When you are being led by the Holy Spirit you will find more opportunities and more open doors come your way than you could ever even imagine.

When you are being led by your flesh you will have anxiety and fear standing in your way and holding you back from any door God wants to open for you. If you will maintain that close relationship with the Lord that only comes from that daily intimate time with Him then you will know exactly what doors are for you and which ones are not for you.

God wants to see you be successful. God wants to see you prosper. God wants to see you step into the fullness of all those prophetic promises He has given to you. But you are not waiting on God, He is waiting on you! My wife Autumn always says that the most miserable people on the planet are those that are standing on the sidelines of life watching other people do what God called them to do. Don’t let that be you, my friend! Especially in this season, be like Peter who was eager and willing to step out of the boat to follow Jesus. God is looking for those that are not sitting idle but instead He will use those that are hungry to step into the impossible. Allow the Holy Spirit to guide and lead your life. Wait on God in your daily, private time of prayer and you will accomplish everything God has called you to do and you will see the Kingdom of God advanced in and through your life!



This is an updated edition of a post originally published on Joe Joe Dawson

Featured Image by Arek Socha from Pixabay


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About the Author

Joe Joe is a Kingdom Winds Contributor and a visionary leader who empowers believers to accomplish the call that God has placed inside of them. His heart is to see this nation awakened and for every individual to experience personal revival. God is calling us as believers to a greater depth of intimacy with Him, and Joe's passion is to see that reached.

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