Time to Silence Sanballat

They will do whatever it takes to get you to quit what God has called you to do.

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I recognize that many in the Body of Christ are in one of the greatest battles they have faced. I see men and women of God who have served the Lord for many years, yet they have been slammed with aggressive attacks by the enemy of the Lord. These attacks have weighed heavily on the men and women of God, as they are seeking answers.

It is very easy for us, as followers of Christ, to pray against a Jezebel Spirit (not the actual spirit of Jezebel, it’s a type and shadow of Jezebel) because there are certain characteristics that are boldly occurring. We could also define some of these things as an Absalom Spirit for we see in the behind-the-scenes scheme to overthrow. But what if it is more than that? What if in our prayers to overcome the attacks of the enemy we are still praying amiss? Could it be a Jezebel spirit? Absolutely. Could it be an Absalom spirit? Absolutely.

Though those could simply be the case I do want to share what I heard the Lord speak to me concerning something that I had studied out years before, yet failed to remember. While in prayer, the Lord said, “Ryan this is a Sanballat spirit”.

The first glimpse that we get of Sanballat is found in Nehemiah 2:19–“But when Sanballat the Horonite and Tobiah the Ammonite official, and Geshem the Arab heard it, they mocked us and despised us and said, “What is this thing you are doing? Are you rebelling against the king?” Sanballat (Babylonian name meaning “SIN GIVES LIFE”) was Nehemiah’s enemy in the efforts to rebuild the walls of Jerusalem.

When Sanballat heard that Nehemiah was making progress on the wall, it made him furious, and he began immediately mocking the Jews. Sanballat recruited others to speak against the work and conspired to attack the advancement of the wall. Even after the wall was rebuilt, Sanballat didn’t give up. His demonic group of followers still sought to bring harm to Nehemiah and those who were aligned with him (Nehemiah).

The book of Nehemiah shines some light on the type of person Sanballat was, therefore giving us an understanding of how this type of spirit works.

1. Sanballat brings strong opposition to what God wants to build through you.

2. Sanballat is a critical persecutor who brings false accusations against the work and people who put their hand to the plow.

3. Sanballat will rally others in their opposition against you.

4. Sanballat will self-appoint people to spread lies about you in attempts to scare you away from the work of the Lord.

5. Sanballat will try to force you out of the work of the Lord in ministry.


The ultimate goal of a Sanballat spirit is to discourage you. They will do whatever it takes to get you to quit what God has called you to do. An individual who is harboring a Sanballat spirit is on a mission to derail God’s work through you. Any individual who is operating in a Sanballat spirit is judgmental of your success as a leader, mocking your personal views and decisions, malicious in their slander towards you and your family, and always spreading false accusations through the twisting of your own words.

Sadly, this is a subtle spirit that will sometimes come in sheep’s clothing. Someone who is operating in this spirit may even offer to come alongside and help you, but you and I must recognize that their intention is to tear down what the Lord has blessed to build. They do not have any desire to build what God has commissioned you for. Holy Spirit discernment will be your greatest ally.

To all the leaders, don’t shrink back from confronting this spirit with the truth of God’s Word. Be confident in what God has called you to do. Stand strengthened in the Lord, and build despite the manipulations of the offended, the slander of the despisers, and the false accusations of the bitter. DO NOT give them the right to build alongside you. DO NOT allow them to continue to speak into the work of the Lord in your life.

Although people can be your problem, they are never the enemy. Satan is the enemy and a Sanballat spirit has been exposed. Be encouraged as the Lord is revealing the strategy of the enemy and know that you have the power and authority (through Jesus Christ) to silence Sanballat!



This is an updated edition of a post originally published on Ryan Johnson Ministries

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About the Author

For the last 26 years, Ryan Johnson has been a strong voice Fulfilling the Heart of The Father, establishing accountability, re-digging the wells of revival, equipping the saints, and challenging religious systems in accordance with the written Word of God.  Ryan is the author of Illegitimacy: The Battle Over Your Identity, How to Contend for Your Miracle, and Racism: The Church and The Nation. He has had many articles released through Charisma Magazine, Charisma News, The Elijah List, and Spirit Fuel. He has also appeared as a guest on The Shaun Tabatt Show, Elijah Streams, Engaging the Supernatural, and Sid Roth’s It’s Supernatural. Ryan is the host of The Blacksmith Chronicles Podcast, an Instructor at Summit School of Revival, and continues to travel as a full-time itinerant minister. 

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