The Year of the Ox – My Apostles are Being Set in Place

The well-trained ox will train the younger ones and they will build together in joy even amidst suffering.

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A few days ago, I ran into my local department store to purchase a gift card for my Mom to add to her Christmas gifts. As soon as I walked through the doors, I heard Holy Spirit say, with clarity, “This is the year of the ox- My apostles are being set in place.”

At first, I wondered if I heard correctly and began to pray.  Within seconds, I was drawn to a display of Christmas-themed items that were on sale. They were many beautiful items and as I began to look at them I heard the same words from the Lord with great authority, “This is the year of the ox!” At that very moment, I was directed by the Lord to reach for a coffee mug on the display table in front of me- it was the only one of its kind. On it was a painting of an ox with its horns adorned in natural Christmas garland.

In that moment, I felt the weight of the Holy Spirit fall upon me. I could not help but praise God aloud yet I managed to not draw attention to myself. I was in awe of the word from the Lord and how He kindly directed me to that table to confirm what He was saying. How beautiful You are, Lord!

I began to do research on my cell phone and became elated with the message I was given to share.
What does the ox symbolizes biblically- I found this in What the Bible says about Jesus Christ, Symbolized as Ox:
The imagery of the bullock is of patient, untiring, and successful labor in service to others, confirms this, “Where no oxen are, the trough is clean; but much increase comes by the strength of an ox.” History shows that oxen will literally work themselves to death. Likewise, we have seen Jesus’ devotion to the death in fulfilling God’s will for Him, and 2 Corinthians 11 provides a long list of Paul’s labors under frequent duress in fulfilling his calling. In the gospel of Luke, Christ is compared to the ox.
When I heard the phrase the Lord spoke to me, I received this message for the body of Christ-
“My apostles are being raised up. They will serve with diligence and great love. They will build My kingdom and have no fear of man’s rules and regulations that would desire to crush Mine. I did not look to be served or recognized and made myself of no reputation. I lived to serve and obey the purpose of My Father in Heaven and obeyed Him even unto death as will these. They will equip My church.
Great miracles signs and wonders will be done in My name for My namesake. They will be as the ox-possessing strength, resilience, perseverance, and patience to plow the fields. They will resist their flesh with purpose to accomplish what I set their hearts to do. The well-trained ox will train the younger ones and they will build together in joy even amidst suffering.
These will work tirelessly and be cared for well by Me and My body.  They will be as living sacrifices unto Me as I was to bring salvation to the lost. Those appointed by man, or the self-appointed, will fall away and you will hear no more of them. Holy fear will come upon My church once again.
My church will become well-equipped and though persecution will increase, these will not shrink back even in the face of death. The attempts of the wicked to prevent the work of My apostles will not prosper. My church will prevail for I am preparing My bride for My return.”
Thank You, Lord! Glory to Your Name on High! 
These are the scriptures I was led to read and learn. Jesus is symbolized in the book of Ezekiel as one of the four living creatures and one of the faces of an ox or bull, in the book of Revelation is an ancient Christian symbol of redemption and life through sacrifice. 

Ezekiel 1:10: “As for the likeness of their faces,  they four had the face of a man, and the face of a lion, on the right side: and they four had the face of an ox on the left side; they four also had the face of an eagle.”

Revelation 4:7….”the first living creature like a lion, the second living creature like an ox, the third living creature with the face of a man, and the fourth living creature like an eagle in flight.”

Proverbs 14:4 “Where no oxen are, the trough is clean; but increase comes by the strength of an ox.”
Luke 14:5 And answered them, saying, Which of you shall have an ass or an ox fallen into a pit, and will not straightway pull him out on the sabbath day?
1 Timothy 5:18 For the Scripture says, “YOU SHALL NOT MUZZLE THE OX WHILE IT IS TREADING OUT THE GRAIN [to keep it from eating],” and, “The worker is worthy of his wages [he deserves fair compensation].”
Numbers 24:8 God brings him out of Egypt and is for him like the horns of the wild ox; he shall eat up the nations, his adversaries, and shall break their bones in pieces and pierce them through with his arrows.

This is an updated edition of a post originally published on The Keys to Kingdom

Featured Image by Marlene Haiberger on Unsplash

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About the Author

Christianna Anastasia Schreifels served in over 24 nations as a short-term missionary with YWAM and other organizations for ten years. She is a seer and a dreamer. Since the age of nine, the Lord has given her many prophetic dreams that have come to pass and offered spiritual insight to the body of Christ. She has taught and equipped the body of Christ for over 20 years about prophecy & dream interpretation on the foundation of scripture. Presently, she lives in the mountains of Southern California with her husband and her children. Christianna shares as the Holy Spirit leads. Her heart is to see multitudes come to know Jesus as their Lord and Savior. She enjoys activating others in their prophetic anointing. She is passionate about family and the end-time saints becoming a sanctuary where the Lord may dwell among them as in Exodus 8 and to see the people of God walk in unity.

  1. Myan says:

    I literally woke up on the first and as I was waking up I say an Ox and I was confused. Because why am I seeing an Ox at 7 am in the morning and so I asked God and heard year of the ox and this article really helped me because I was searching my bible. and came across so many verses so then I went to google and boom

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