The Way of a Satisfied Life

Hindsight reveals that too often I have viewed my life from an earthly perspective rather than through a spiritual lens.

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Many are the plans in the mind of a man,

but it is the purpose of the Lord that will stand.

Proverbs 19:21 ESV

“Surprise!” My mother’s kind blue eyes and toothy grin met me as I opened the door to her home. I surveyed the room and noticed the balloons, flowers, cards, and gifts displayed throughout. And what was meant to be a celebration felt more like a memorial service to me. It was my fortieth birthday, and instead of abounding joy, I was filled with sorrow.

You see, when I awoke that morning, all the unfulfilled plans that I had made for my life––the plans of motherhood, financial freedom, and a thriving career––slapped me in the face. Instead, my days were filled with constant pain and fatigue due to chronic illness. The pitter-patter from little feet had never filled my home, and although our financial needs had been met, there was no cream on top to live the life of luxury I had imagined in my younger days.

But I had it all wrong.

This world seeks to convince us that contentment and joy are found in how far up the ladder we climb. Our enemy wants us to think the numbers in our bank account, the plaques on our walls, and a picture-perfect family equals success. Yet in Proverbs 19, we find the characteristics of a good life are to listen to instruction (vs. 16, 20), extend kindness to the poor (vs. 17), acknowledge the sovereignty of God (vs. 21), possess the understanding that love and integrity bring true happiness (vs. 22), and to fear the Lord above all else (vs. 23). This is the divine purpose and good plan God has for our lives.

I am now several years past forty, and as much as I remember the beginning of that difficult birthday, I also recall the ending. It closed with laughter ringing from the family who loves me, a special love note from my husband, and a quiet prayer of thanksgiving to God for the gifts that I had failed to appreciate.

Hindsight reveals that too often I have viewed my life from an earthly perspective rather than through a spiritual lens. Reading these scriptures realigns my heart once again to the will of God and reminds me to trust that He is a loving Father whose desire is to give me the best things in life. And the best things come from walking in the ways of wisdom and by laying up treasures in heaven rather than on earth (Matt. 6:19-21).

Dear friend, are you seeking a good life? Let’s remember to grow in wisdom from the Word, be kind, submit to God’s will, love boldly, and revere the Lord above all else. These are worth more than all this world can afford.


Father, sometimes it is difficult to see past the things that I feel are missing in my life. Open my eyes to the blessings that You have given me. Thank You for Your presence, Your will, and Your Word. Help me trust that You are working out Your perfect plan for me. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.


The heart of man plans his way, but the LORD establishes his steps. ~ Proverbs 16:9 ESV

Think of a time when disappointment came from failed plans. How does knowing that God is working a divine purpose for your life release you from the pain? How does this change your perspective on future plans?


This is an updated edition of a post originally published on Leaving a Well

Featured Image by Michael Skok on Unsplash

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About the Author

Rosann Coulon is a Christian Writer with a purpose to encourage, equip, and inspire hurting women to find hope, grace, and freedom through the Word of God by living in His presence. Her writings are found at

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