The Promise of Beauty for Every Season
But no matter the season––good or bad––we can hold on to the Teacher’s follow-up words to His revelation of guaranteed change.
But no matter the season––good or bad––we can hold on to the Teacher’s follow-up words to His revelation of guaranteed change.
God will part the skies, the sun will shine again, and He will bring glory to His Holy name.
Many concerns in my own life overwhelmed me that morning, but God met me with a gift from this little bird.
God was asking me to fall into His arms, trust Him with my future, and accept His grace.
Hindsight reveals that too often I have viewed my life from an earthly perspective rather than through a spiritual lens.
The God whose Word came to pass for the Israelites in the desert will come through for you.
Almighty God will dispel the darkness, lead you to safety, and take you home.
When I am afraid, I can both trust the Lord and honestly face the fear.
He is steadfast through changing seasons––and He is faithful in the unchanging seasons.
Regardless of our circumstances, we can always find constant peace in His presence.
I’ve lived long enough to realize that I am nothing––and I can do nothing––apart from Christ.
Today, I will choose to take my eyes off this world’s happenings and shift my gaze to the One who has proven Himself faithful to fulfill His promises.
Just like that: the coming of Jesus changed everything!
Jesus’ eternal presence is with us in every situation we face, and nothing lies outside His hand.
Praise be to our God of Peace in whom we can find our security and serenity in every circumstance.
This same God who made––and kept––His covenant with Israel fulfills His promises to us.
The same God who saw––and revealed Himself to––Hagar in the wilderness sees you right where you are today.
Our enemy would love nothing more than for us to throw our hands up in defeat.
Not one detail pertaining to your life goes unnoticed by God.
Regardless of the task at hand, our strength, hope, help, joy, and peace are found in constant reliance on our Father’s care.
It can be difficult to know-how, or what, to pray when our hearts are overwhelmed.
I know I can trust Your will––Your way––and Your hand.
We can have confidence in God’s power to comfort us and carry us through.
The foundation of my faith is built on the belief that there is only One Triune God. He is my Creator, Savior, and friend.
It was in the stopping that I found reassurance that He always provides just what we need when we need it.
It is God’s Word––His Word, alone––that can defeat the enemy.
I want peace in knowing that God is with me in any circumstance––good or bad.
God, in His gracious goodness, heard my heart’s cry on that dark night.
In times of uncertainty Christ offers us the comfort, guidance, reassurance, and direction that we need.
A chronic illness diagnosis can bring shock, fear, disillusionment, and despair.
Deliverance is often ushered in by surrender.
God’s promises are rich and pure. He keeps them all.