The Spiritual Maelstrom

A bombshell of both confusion and violence is about to erupt in the centers of Satanic influence – Washington DC, London, and Rome — as he fights to retain control of his empire.

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There’s a real storm brewing in The Spirit right now, and it’s about to manifest in the natural.

I heard the word ‘Maelstrom’ in my spirit, so I looked it up. It means “a situation or state of confused movement or violent turmoil.”

Two words stood out to me – ‘confused’ and ‘violent’, so I sought The LORD.

“The enemy loves nothing more than confusion and violence. In fact, he uses them together to bring about his aims to steal, kill, and destroy.

A bombshell of both confusion and violence is about to erupt in the centers of Satanic influence – Washington DC, London, and Rome — as he fights to retain control of his ‘empire’.

“However!” says The LORD, “his plans will implode upon his own people as, like the Edomites, Ammonites, and Moabites before them, shall turn on each other and destroy themselves!

What you will see will be a maelstrom, or a ‘state of confused movement or violent turmoil’, as they destroy each other!

The enemy is about to implode and destroy himself. As confusion enters his camp, those inside will accuse and attack each other, and their ‘army’ will panic and run — destroying any who stand in their way!”

The LORD then impressed upon me the necessity of calling the Church to war in the heavenlies; to declare panic in the enemy ranks; to call forth a maelstrom of The LORD to destroy the enemy’s plans and schemes; for the angelic host to drive the Satanic hordes of hell back where they came from, and to enforce the victory of Calvary on this situation.

As I prayed about this, I felt led to extend my staff towards London as I prayed and to call whoever will do so to join me in prayer.



The Upper Room Encounter

Featured Image by Pete Linforth from Pixabay


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About the Author

Chris and Linda Bennett, are founders of The Upper Room - A Place of Encounter. Upper Room has at its heart a great yearning to see revival return to the UK—to Wales in particular. The ministry operates in all of the gifts of the Holy Spirit. They currently live in Rotherham, South Yorkshire, but are called to Wales to help usher in revival.

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