The Power of a Praying Mom

Know that there is a Promise from God for your family line, if you’ll only surrender your jurisdiction of them over to Him.

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So many of the prayer requests that I have received from women, have been attached to their concerns for their children and their grandchildren, that it seems to be almost across the board in this generation.
Whether it was because those kids were suffering from physical conditions, rebellion, or just blatant disobedience, a majority of their concerns and prayers were all wrapped around those situations.
While there are some really awesome prayer warriors who are moms and grandmas out there, I have found that many of these people who are interceding for their kids, don’t realize the amount of influence that they really carry in those situations even with their children who are full grown adults.
Just as the curse of sin was transferred through the bloodline to all of humanity through the blood of Adam, so too are the blessings of God Transferred to every Son and Daughter of God through the Bloodline of Jesus Christ.
While there is power in the blood of Jesus Christ, there is also a connection, (that is always there), between the parents and their children because of the bloodline. That connection gives those moms and grandmas extreme clout over those individuals within their lineage, through a place of prayer and Intercession, even when avenues of personal dialogue are not actually possible.
Several years ago I encountered a woman in a Sunday morning bible study group that was severely frustrated by her grown daughter’s actions. She declared before the whole Bible study group that she had been praying for her daughter for almost 20 years to come back to Jesus Christ to virtually no avail.
When I heard this (while I was trying to remain unseen in the back of the room, because I was there to just pass the time), the Holy Spirit prompted me to ask her to do a Prophetic Act (although I called it something else, because it was a Baptist church) and just surrender her daughter completely to the Hands of Jesus.
Out of her frustration, she threw her hands in the air and said very loudly, “HE CAN HAVE HER!!!” While I wasn’t sure, at the time, if that was exactly what the Lord was looking for, only a day later I learned that the rebellious daughter of 20 years had encountered a man in the grocery store who prayed for her there and she gave her life to Jesus Christ on the spot.
The frustrated woman contacted me the next day in total shock, because of what had happened almost immediately 24 hours later and she said to me, “I don’t understand, why did it not happen in the last 20 years and then when I released her to Jesus Christ the way I did, did it only take 24 hours?”
The Holy Spirit said to me tell her, “It was because of her releasing her jurisdiction of her daughter’s life completely into the care of the Heavenly Father that this took place.”
While there are Sons and Daughters out there that may seem just too far away from God to ever turn around in repentance, what is impossible with men and women is Possible With God (Luke 18:27).
While moms and grandmas have an extremely powerful influence because of their bloodline, when they release that influence to Jesus Christ and the Power of the Holy Spirit, He goes to war against whatever is holding those children back from the Presence of God in order to fulfill His Promises to them.
Today, if you are a mother or a grandmother who is praying and interceding for your children, know that there is a Promise from God for your family line, if you’ll only surrender your jurisdiction of them over to Him:
“As for Me, this is My covenant or league with them, says the Lord: My Spirit, Who is upon you [and Who writes the law of God inwardly on the heart], and My words which I have put in your mouth SHALL NOT DEPART OUT OF YOUR MOUTH, OR OUT OF THE MOUTHS OF YOUR [true, spiritual] CHILDREN, OR OUT OF THE MOUTHS OF YOUR CHILDREN’S CHILDREN, says the Lord, from henceforth and forever.” Isaiah 59:21
No matter how far away they seem to be, there’s no place that they can go to hide from the influence that you carry Ladies! Put those children and grandchildren in Jesus’s Hands fully and watch how powerful your Lord and Savior Jesus Christ is because He’s able to do Exceedingly and Abundantly Above whatever you ask or think!


Featured Image by Priscilla Du Preez on Unsplash

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About the Author

Daniel Pontious is a Kingdom Winds Contributor and passionate about teaching and revealing the Heart of the Father and Drawing people Closer to Him. It is his desire to see every member of the Body of Christ Functioning in their Personal Identity In Him!

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