The Path of the Righteous

Awaiting His fullness dispersed, we walk the path, the Son shining.

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Drawn to the light shining on the dark soul, we turn in wonder.
What’s this light revealing such darkness within, now drawing?
With the light shining so bright comes an intense tugging.
An often-ignored path becoming visible beckons to consider.
Entering with much apprehension, the light calls for surrender.

Stepping into the unknown, newfound peace floods the soul.
As apprehension and fear dissipate, faith and courage unroll.
Filled with delight, pressing forward, anticipation rises.
As enlightenment swells, tasting fruit from the path emerges.
With new discovery birthed, a sense of invincibility surges.

With freedom tasted, pressing on, we follow the light, so awed.
Led to encounter the light’s source, the Son of God is revealed.
Upon investigation, a locked gate blocks, begging to be unsealed.
Holding the key, He says, “In Him, we must trust and yield.”
Receiving the key, we realize we must now confess Him as Lord.

Speaking with such affection and kindness, our hearts rejoice.
Sensing love washing over, we yield to the warmth of His voice.
Yielding to the key given, we notice several now attached.
“These are the keys to the kingdom for your journey,” He indicates.
Speaking of trials, treasures, gifts, and blessings, they unlock.

Going from faith to faith, righteousness reveals in abundance.
Stepping further into the unknown, fear dissipates in wonderment.
With minds filled with revelation, mysteries become more evident.
Destiny filling our minds, in peace and security, we move, yielded.
No longer apprehensive, we delight in the path now revealed.

Darkness once ruling dissipates, giving way to the light now reigning.
Keys given, open treasures, giving insight to trials and hardship.
Spiritual gifts opened with His keys bring forth purpose, so burning.
Awaiting His fullness dispersed, we walk the path, the Son shining.
Like the light of dawn, the path shines brighter with His glory revealing.

Heavenly Father, I come before You to give thanksgiving for seeking me out and helping me to find this excellent path. Your path of righteousness exceeds my expectations. Help me never to forget or take all you have provided on this path for granted.

Purchase Ken’s book Rise of the Anointed Ones: Anointed for Such a Time as This here.

This is an updated edition of a post originally published on Ken Birks

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About the Author

Ken Birks is an ordained pastor/teacher/author in the Body of Christ. His primary function is that of Bible teacher. Ken was the Senior Pastor of Golden Valley Christian Center, a non-denominational, Spirit-filled church in Roseville Ca, for twelve years where he currently resides.

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