The Lord Has Heard Your Cries for Relief From Heartache

The Holy Spirit can do for you in one setting with Him as if you spent months in counseling.

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Keep steady, and stay the course. Keep your eyes solely on Jesus as life’s circumstances have threatened to drown you. It may feel like you are sinking, but the Lord is throwing a life vest at you. This life vest will come in many forms to you. You will sense a profound peace over you, and a settledness in your soul. You will be led to the gentle and quiet waters where you will rest for a while, and drink deeply of God’s love. You will be shown incredible kindness and favor everywhere you go. You will have such sweet and restorative sleep. You will find your work to be better than it has ever been, as you will not only have favor in your work but an increase in motivation and productivity.

You will overcome this time you are in by the blood of the Lamb, and the word of your testimony.

The Lord knows that you have been carrying such a heavy load. Give this heavy load to the Lord today, for His yoke is easy and His burden is light. 

The discouragement, the defeat, the frustration, are sent straight from the pits of hell, hoping you will agree with these lies. Allow the Lord to bring refreshment to your soul as you become still in His presence. There is no need to do anything during this time other than listening for the Holy Spirit to minister truth to you, and give you this time of refreshment that you will not find in any other way or source.

In the presence of the Lord is fullness of Joy. God desires to bring joy back to you as you come into His presence. Weeping may endure for the night, but joy comes in the morning. You have wept and been weakened by the devastation in your life, but now it’s time to gain your strength back in your spirit.

The trauma, the torment, the fear, the anxiety, the worry, and the stress will have to bow to the feet of Jesus as you come before the great I Am and pick up your weapons of warfare again. The weapons of your warfare are not carnal, but mighty through the pulling down of strongholds. Your weapons are prayer, praise, worship, fasting, thanksgiving, declaring and decreeing, and stillness before the Lord. Stillness before the Lord is often underlooked as a weapon of warfare, but there is great gain in being in the presence of the I Am. God can do whatever miracle and breakthrough in our lives and those we love by surrendering our will and waiting for the Holy Spirit to speak. Some of us just need to get still before the Lord and wait for Him.

God may be calling you to come to Him and rest. Sit by the refreshingly cool waters and let the gentle breeze of refreshment fill your very being. You may need to stop doing it and just be. You will know when Jesus calls you to the still and quiet waters as your prayers seem to be “hitting the ceiling,” and you are growing ever so weary, frustrated, discouraged, anxious, and worried.

Let the Holy Spirit minister to you during this time. You have the Great Counselor and Comforter ready to put a spotlight on the problems and help you to uproot the lies that you have agreed with. The Holy Spirit can do for you in one setting with Him as if you spent months in counseling. He can unravel,  untangle, and remove the arrows that have been strategically targeted to bring you down. He can put a spotlight on the direct targets that are designed to destroy you. Give Him your time, and you will see this will be exactly what you have needed to bring relief and restoration to your soul.

You are the sheep and your Good Shepherd will remove all the “little gnats” that have been bothering you as you come beside Him. He will remove those annoying “little gnats” one by one.


Purchase Stephanie’s book Disciplining Your Mind: 30 Days to a Better You! here.


This is an updated edition of a post originally published on Stephanie Reck

Featured Image by Phạm Quang Hoàn from Pixabay



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About the Author

Stephanie Reck provides life coaching services to women to help them get unstuck from life's challenges and move towards their purpose in God using 1:1 coaching sessions, courses, books, articles blogs, and videos. It is her mission to see women healed and whole through the work of the Holy Spirit and apply prayer, scriptures, deliverance, and/or a word of encouragement as the Holy Spirit directs to redirect women back to their first love, Jesus Christ.

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