The Convergence of the Ages— The Breaker Will Breakthrough!

Let faith arise and let the sound of many waters— many generations— break the sound of deception.

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Recently I was a guest on a live broadcast with Lamplighter Ministries (Jon & Jolene Hamill). During that broadcast, I shared how I have been hearing what sounds in my spirit like an “echo of old” converging with the sound that comes from the faith of believers today.

Let me explain—

In my spirit, I can hear the sound of the faith responses from men like Noah, Abraham, Moses and even the men and women not mentioned in the Old Testament. Then I could hear the sound of those who first believed in Jesus when he walked the earth. These sounds began to intermingle with the sound of thousands upon thousands of others who have walked the earth, putting their faith in Yeshua. It is the sound of their faith, through prayer, praise, obedience, and surrender, converging with the sound of these same things that believers are releasing today— in this hour— and it is like the sound of many waters roaring as one.

As I heard this echo of faith from days gone by converging with the sound of faith being released today— I saw in my spirit that it would break a sound barrier.

I didn’t understand what this meant spiritually so I inquired of the Lord. His response was this,

“It will break the sound of deception.”

Deception has written a script or a narrative upon the hearts and within the minds of those who walk the earth today. It seeks to kill, steal, and destroy our children and our children’s children— our very future. It seeks to block the sound of truth, faith, hope, and love that only comes from surrendering our lives to Jesus and following in his ways.

The sound of deception has infiltrated every mountain of influence: religion, family, government, education, media, arts/entertainment, and media.

But there is a sound that is pure— it is a sound of the generations of those who walked by faith and who lived in truth. It is the sound of the faithful who stood against the darkness and followed God even in impossible situations. It is the sound of each footstep that brought the gospel of truth to the sick and the poor. It is the sound of surrender, the sound of every “yes” given in obedience to his voice, the sound of songs of praise, and the sound of groanings too deep for words.

It is the sound of the Bride.

There is a convergence of the pure sound of those who lived by faith from thousands of years ago, hundreds of years ago, decades ago, and today becoming one sound. The Lord told me,

“It is not an old sound but a now sound. For I live outside of time and this sound exists outside of time.”

As the Lord brought understanding I saw that Abraham’s “yes” to obey the Lord— is to God, as if it was just spoken (as if it just occurred). It is joined in heaven to our “yes” today. Not only Abraham— but every man, woman, or child who has ever chosen to follow the Lord.

Faith has a sound! This is what will set ears free to hear truth again. This pure sound is what will break the sound of deception in lives that have been robbed of truth, God’s identity, and the path to salvation.

The enemy has worked hard to silence the sound of the faithful ones through warring against them with continuous attacks. Yet, even amid the onslaught of these attacks, we must rise up like never before to give our yes to the Lord. We must not allow our faith to lose its sound or to be silenced. Do not hold back your sound, your song, or your surrender. They are the weapons that will break the sound of deception and release the Breaker.

The breaker [the Messiah, who opens the way] shall go up before them [liberating them]. They will break out, pass through the gate and go out; So their King goes on before them, The Lord at their head.” Micah 2:13

Just last night at a small gathering we attended, people began to see a massive dam breaking open— and when it broke it saturated everything— it could not be contained by man-made banks or barriers. It will purify, awaken, wash, and revive— even the mountains that have been defiled.

Not only will the Lord break the deception that has plagued our nations but he will bring to birth personal things that we have felt were long lost— here is an example…

When I was giving birth to my youngest son, numerous times we lost his heartbeat. The way that the medical team revived him was to flood my womb with water. Each time they did this, his heart would begin to beat again. This is what the Lord is about to do, even with many things that we have carried in our spiritual wombs— things that seem to have lost their heartbeat.

Our Breaker (the Messiah), will open the way to revive and allow us to give birth to promises long awaited. The dam will break and the rushing water will revive what we thought was lost forever.

Let faith arise and let the sound of many waters— many generations— break the sound of deception.

Purchase Kathi’s book Joy here.


This is an updated edition of a post originally published on Inscribe Ministries

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About the Author

Jeffrey and Kathi Pelton understand our culture’s need for encouragement and hope. Through writing and speaking, they escort individuals into awareness of God’s profound compassion and mercy that heals brokenness, and they have a unique ability to help anyone seeking pathways into His kind embrace. For several years, the couple led a house of prayer located in Kelowna, British Columbia.

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