The curses and assignments of the enemy to kill, steal, and destroy are coming back to haunt him. They are also coming back to dismantle his plans. An unexpected boomerang effect is taking place.
Several years ago, my wife, Jan, spoke to me about a boomerang effect the Lord told her was coming upon the Earth regarding the plans of hell. Today, the Lord wants to remind us of that coming effect, so we do not lose hope. The use of the word “boomerang” has emerged in other prophetic insights. It has also been picked up by secular sources to describe what is occurring when dark plans that were assumed to come to fulfillment without interruption are about to be struck down. Boomerangs of evil are returning to their perpetrators bringing with them an end to what had been prematurely defined as inevitable outcomes.
As I recalled Jan’s word about the boomerang effect, the Lord reminded me of Isaiah 55:11. “So is my word that goes out from my mouth: It will not return to me empty but will accomplish what I desire and achieve the purpose for which I sent it.” The word “empty” used in this verse is a word that describes what God has promised will not return to us without bearing a gift. These are the gifts of the fulfillment of the promises God made to those who released the original act of faith.
Millions of boomerangs of faith have been released in the last few years. They are still in flight and on their mission. Many of those boomerangs have now reached the full arc of their flight. They are beginning to return home, bringing with them the gifts of their mission. Those gifts will be in the form of the fulfillment of individual promises and dreams. Some will bring home restored friendships and marriages. We will see other boomerangs bringing home prodigal children or the restoration of fractured dreams. Other boomerangs will be carrying gifts of supernatural intervention in the affairs of nations where puppet rulers working under the influence of dark, deceptive powers will have been unexpectedly brought down. Along with the demise of these unrepentant rulers will be the gift of the rapid dismantling of the institutions that served their interests.
Do not lose heart when your boomerang is still in flight and out of sight. Wait patiently and with hope for its return. The timing of its return and the precise execution of its mission is in the hands of our faithful God.
This is an updated edition of a post originally published on Garris Elkins
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Psalm 94:22 in the Passion translation ; exactly what is being said here.
Excellent illustration with the boomerang effect. It is encouraging with knowing that someday my prodigal son will return as God has promised. Thank you for sharing this encouraging word.
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