Spirit of Yahweh

God is looking for those who will host and honor His spirit above all else.

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Recently, in my times of prayer, the Lord has been speaking to me from Isaiah 11:2 about His spirit, the spirit of Yahweh. You see many times I have seen people, even lovers of God, that somewhere along the way as they are pursuing their destiny they stray from walking under the anointing and grace of the Holy Spirit. One of the most important things we can do as believers, especially those who want to always be moving forward with God and see His Kingdom advanced in the earth, is to never allow ourselves to be led off of the narrow road.

Many people are lured away by the world or the enemy by things that seem like they could give you an advantage. However, things that seem like they may get you where you want to go quicker or easier are often not from the Lord. This is why we must always stay alert, committed to the secret place and always listening to the Holy Spirit, the spirit of Yahweh. 

Isaiah 11:2 in the Passion Translation says, “The spirit of Yahweh will rest upon him, the spirit of extraordinary wisdom, the spirit of perfect understanding, the spirit of wise strategy, the spirit of mighty power, the spirit of revelation, and the spirit of the fear of Yahweh.”

When you allow the presence and the weight of God to be your guiding force then you will find yourself walking in the extraordinary, supernatural wisdom that comes from the heavenly realm. God’s wisdom is perfect. That is why this scripture references the Holy Spirit, the spirit of Yahweh to be the One who gives us perfect understanding, wise strategy, and the spirit of mighty power.

When you are moving and operating with the spirit of God you will have the strategy, answers, discernment, and whatever wisdom you need for whatever you may face. When you are moving with the Holy Spirit your plans will succeed and they will not fail. A natural plan can only give you natural results but the spirit of Yahweh will give you supernatural wisdom that will yield supernatural results. My friends, nothing is impossible with God! Nothing is impossible for those who believe and put their trust in the spirit of the Lord.

I believe this is a season where the Lord is looking to use those who are Kingdom-minded to move them forward at an accelerated pace. God is looking for those who will host and honor His spirit above all else. I believe that the Lord is about to elevate and accelerate many trusted believers to show what the world what He can do with someone who has refused to compromise or manipulate the truth. When you walk in and operate in the fear of the Lord everything will shift in your life. This is why Galatians 6:9 says, “Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up.”

God is faithful to keep His promises to those who fear, honor, and love Him. If you will structure your life around Kingdom principles and the fear of the Lord, God’s power will bless and protect every area of your life. We can look at those who have manipulated or compromised to get ahead and feel as if we’ve missed out. But the truth is, my friends, however, you come by something is what it will take to sustain it. Meaning, that if you build your life upon your own abilities or strategies you will be solely responsible for sustaining whatever it is you are managing or building. However, if you build according to the wisdom and strategy of Heaven and only do those things that you are led by the spirit of Yahweh to do, then God will sustain you and the works of your hands! 

I want to encourage you in this season to lean into the Holy Spirit and allow Him to guide you and lead you. Everything will start to work out and you won’t be able to believe the blessing and favor that lavishes your life as you depend on His Spirit for everything. We’re in a crucial hour where we need to be led by the Holy Spirit and nothing else like never before. This is a season for greater discernment and deeper devotion. Refuse to move forward with natural wisdom and instead depend on the divine intel God wants to give to you by His spirit. This is a season for those filled, flooded, and dependent on the spirit of Yahweh to arise and advance the Kingdom!


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About the Author

Joe Joe is a Kingdom Winds Contributor and a visionary leader who empowers believers to accomplish the call that God has placed inside of them. His heart is to see this nation awakened and for every individual to experience personal revival. God is calling us as believers to a greater depth of intimacy with Him, and Joe's passion is to see that reached.

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