Rivers of Living Water

My Spirit is coming like a whirlwind, like a wildfire, like nothing you’ve yet experienced.

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One night, several years ago, we attended Night of Prayer.

The LORD kept bringing me to the old Gospel favorite, ‘There is a River’.



There was even some talk and prayer around Wells of Revival and of Rivers of Living Water. Yet the words of that old song kept invading my mind:

“There is a river that flows from deep within
There is a fountain to cleanse the soul from sin
Come to the water, there is a vast supply
There is a river that never shall run dry.”

I left it to concentrate on the Prayers, but it returned and it’s been there on my mind and heart all day!

So, obviously . . . eventually, I asked The LORD about it. He reminded me of these Scriptures, both of which I’ve known and loved for many years.

“Then he brought me back to the door of the temple; and there was water, flowing from under the threshold of the temple toward the east, for the front of the temple faced east; the water was flowing from under the right side of the temple, south of the altar. . . . . . ” Ezekiel 47:1-6

“He who believes in Me, as the Scripture said, ‘From his innermost being will flow rivers of living water.’” John 7:38

I sat with Him for a while until The LORD said, “When My Spirit flows, it will start as a trickle, but it will end up a raging torrent!

Revival is just like that — it starts as a trickle but if you flow with it, it ends up like a raging torrent.

When that happens, that is when everything else goes by the board.

Schedules are wrecked, and meals are grabbed on the run, but there remains an overwhelming sense of My Presence and My Love.

That is when you will see spontaneous moments — healings, deliverance, salvation, and so much more.”

Then He added, “I want you to tell people again that I AM coming.

My Spirit is coming like a whirlwind, like a wildfire, like nothing you’ve yet experienced.”

I said, “But LORD, they already know you’re coming!”

He said, “No they don’t!

They’ve heard it and heard it — but they still haven’t yet completely believed it.

Tell them again. You are one of My Watchmen! Tell them!”

Are you all really listening?

I know this is in your head, but has it yet traveled those few inches to your heart?

Have you taken it to heart?

The Holy Spirit is on His way and He’s bringing Revival with Him like a flash flood.

I feel the ground rumble under my feet — it’s coming now! It’s already started —

Can you not see it,?

Can you not hear it?

Can you not feel it?

The Holy Spirit is ‘brooding’ over us today, just as He did at creation, but this time He is releasing The River of Life in Revival!


The Upper Room Encounter

Featured Image by djedj from Pixabay

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About the Author

Chris and Linda Bennett, are founders of The Upper Room - A Place of Encounter. Upper Room has at its heart a great yearning to see revival return to the UK—to Wales in particular. The ministry operates in all of the gifts of the Holy Spirit. They currently live in Rotherham, South Yorkshire, but are called to Wales to help usher in revival.

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